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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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"Daa sharty is rulecucked"
-brownest tranny ever

Listen to me, shitskins, I will explain to you why the sharty is "rulecucked" because I undesrtand your tiny brown brains can not comprehend this. For an example I will use your shitskin countries. Have you ever wondered why whites are more succesful? Why white societies are functional meanwhile your 3rd world brown shithole barely has electricity. It is because we whites have laws and our morals and values embeded in those laws, that is why your shitskin country is a failiure. The only way a country can function is if the people have morals and laws to prevent the immoral subhumans from hurting innocent people. Before you call me a moralcuck I just want to let you know that your shitskin countries only exist because we whites are merciful towords you even if we shouldn't be. Through out the history white civilizations were always more advanced than Black and Brown nations, infact we could've literally genocided the entire continent of Africa but we choose not to, because of our morals. That is the only reason your brown shitskin hands can type on your greasy keyboard covered in cheeto dust right now, because we let you live.

Now you might ask what this has to do with imageboards, becuase you are too brown and retarded to understand metaphors so I will explain it to you. Soyjak.Party needs laws and order to keep out pedophiles and zoosadists like (((You))) from our community. You are the scum of the Earth and incompatible with our sites culture and values. The Sharty has a culture of doxxing pedophiles, zoo sadists, trannies and pajeets that torture innocent baby monkey, meanwhile your sites culture consists of posting child sexual abuse matirial, animal rape videos, selling diy hrt guides to minors and torturing baby monkeys. You are all disgusting brown subhumans and we are glad that you would rather post on this shitty site rather than the sharty despite it being on a superior imageboard software and having more features. The same way we whites are merciful to shitskins we are merciful to your shit site, we could dox all of you within minutes but we choose not to. Not only that but quote could bot and ddos your shitty site 24/7 but he chooses not to, out of mercy. You are so fucking pathetic that even bullying you feels sad, its like beating a dead horse. Now just incase its not clear yet I will just say this:


Goodbye, shoallypedos. This is the last time that I will post on your shit site, and just so you know, I reported it to the CIA already, your shitty cp sharing site will be shut down in a matter of hours. Good fucking bye seething shitskins.



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