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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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 No.187884[View All]

Okay. Which janny deleted the only active thread for no reason? I will eventually find out either way so make it quick.
73 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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just asked him if he had dirt on u


she's admitting to falsifying screenshots with other 'cordtroons with 'p right in front of you nigga are you retards insane




Gay ahhhhhhhh in your mother's birth and a little more comfortable


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>the only thing keeping this site from flatlining is literally discord drama


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>hold on I fucked up
you're making me cringe so hard irl it's insane, no wonder even the pedos you interact with couldn't handle your retardation


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And it's still considered "unfair" for me to ban people like this?


Delete this shitty thread bro


Western Bagel ur gonna get molested nigga stop interacting with those discord retards


definitely not anymore


I asked you to also censor the names and stuff too but oh well, thanks for saving me the effort of having to restore my discord just to get these damn screenshots everyone wants


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are we done with this shit already?


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Do your """"""""job"""""""" trannyjannies


first one was me le heckin' trolling him and saying im datng Farmer Boysand mangle which isnt true
2nd was when he post the server link in 'talks server and me and a couple of others raided it
5th one is a nothing burger


>banning shitposters
no one likes you


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banning spammers for derailing convo or something


How'd you even trust her in the first place nigga? I thought trangeleno leaving will finally get someone competent in this site but instead it just becomes even more dead and more discord centered, it was embarrassing seeing I was the only one actually on r ye's ass to finally expose her and jannies got called out for not saying anything


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what the fuck is this thread


Shit like this will kill this site for good


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>How'd you even trust her in the first place nigga? I thought trangeleno leaving will finally get someone competent in this site but instead it just becomes even more dead and more discord centered, it was embarrassing seeing I was the only one actually on r ye's ass to finally expose her and jannies got called out for not saying anything


This thread deserves to get derailed because it's fucking shit lmao



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>this thread


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>This thread deserves to get derailed because it's fucking shit lmao


I swear to god if this ends up being what collapses the Shemmy I don’t know what I’ll do


Everyone in this thread is a janny why not discuss this shit in telegram or something ffs


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Sell the site to lute


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>Everyone in this thread is a janny why not discuss this shit in telegram or something ffs


No i mean the rest of the fucking site shes necrobumping 1 day old threads with fat black man flying


everyone will just move to chinny o algo


>random screenshots of literalwho shitskin
do not care nigga codefag post the screenies of prok0p grooming you


oh great codefag is in a discord with actual cp spammers, so is Albert, so is dodder, and angeleno is chatting up minors for some reason on discord as well? not a good day for the shemmy


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>oh great codefag is in a discord with actual cp spammers, so is Albert, so is dodder, and angeleno is chatting up minors for some reason on discord as well? not a good day for the shemmy


>Complains about death of 'Only active thread'
>All threads being actively spammed with Flying Nigger Posts
Is OP this fucking retarded?


im not doe, r ye just hunted out my user like a retard just so she can complain about my ban and falsify me sending 'p or some sheit. trangeleno is definitely a retard ill give you that


>Shemmy has most total PPH of all the Soysphere websites
>Shemmy: 4224/Month
>Sharty: 2093/Month
I think we won albeit



Oh fuck wrong data holy shit I'm 2 IQ


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1. Who the fuck is "beetle"?
2. Are the pooner gypsy and the communist gypsy both in a shitcord and constantly talking to eachother?
3. Are these your own screenshots?
4. Why does CobsonTalks have a shitcord server?


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You're talking to a brick wall.


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>codefag decides to leave not even half an hour after I ask him these things

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