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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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jaika my fav transking!!!!!
and of course my boyfriend ^_^


im too tired to be pissed off all pooners should die gruesome deaths kill them burn them stab them hang them HGhhrhrhrgrgrggegeghrh


but hes my bf :c


kill your boyfriend


idc bro stop larping we need TPD they're at least jn thr top 3 annoying things and j will go out of my way tk sperg out whenever k see posts about them


Gigachad behavior


why :P


do it now



it's pronounced Geegachad


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pooners are filth


kill her now


*HISA *he is so attracive


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id be at my LIMIT right now if I wasn't so tired



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what would be the other top 2's?
also im not even remotely interested in dating rye, i dont like attentionwhoring sandniggers from kuwait and i wish she'd leave me alone


would not even consensual sex with a cactus



sorry i meant would not even rаре violently


can u like learn how to draw or something
ur artstyle is ugly as shit dude kys


>attentionwhoring sandniggers from kuwait


what a niggardly thing to say


wasn't jaika a male troon?



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rye is a shitskin xitter immigrant from kuwait that is retarded and annoying and i want her dead MOOOOODS REMOVE XER FROM THE SHEMMY

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