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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

Here's a question: did /qa/ win or lose?

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i will post a bit to calm myself down because i keep seeing things in the corner of my eyes


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i will continue this tomorrow


awesomefaceposter os that yuo


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oh mah gah, where have you been


i've been on this site for the entire time, i stopped because i took a break for two weeks and came back to an entirely different site
i still post on /soy/ but i don't post awesome faces and other things like that because /qa/ isn't the only board anymore and i don't have a reason to post them (also i'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to shitpost in /soy/)


ignore "/qa/ isn't the only board anymore and" i just realized that it doesn't explain anything


you kind of are allowed. even the frogbait is left up


also yeah, the changes on this site can happen so quickly lol


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>this thread
>this board


gem holy smile


what are archons and why do they seem like tricksters


le trickster spirit!!!!!!!!!


Aaand… this is 'le bad' because…?


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ok now im posting the coal i finished earlier today


very rare leno era mameson gem

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