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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

File: 1725013848479.jpg (42.79 KB, 686x386, 1725010514381.jpg)


Hello /qa/, a Cousin of mine owes me $900 [It was Originally $1000, but he gave me his Old Monitor to take $100 off.] and he has for a Year now, because he needed it to pay for LegalFees, which if he didn't pay he would have gone to Jail for. He told me all of this the Night he picked me up to go hangout, and that the Deadline to pay was the Next Day and how he wasn't going to be able to make the needed Payments. I then gave him the $1000 in Cash that I had savedup, because he told me he would pay me back as soon as he could and I Believed him.
I now regret ever giving him any of that $1000. I should have never mentioned having so much money on hand, my Cousin could've easily paid me back by now but he never did. Now after throwing a fit over text which he was probably drunk during, he told me that I will not be getting my $900 back anymore, this was 20 Days ago and we haven't Interacted since.

>What Now?

I am sick of this shit, at this point I am just going to spill the beans and tell my Family why he almost went to Jail for, his Mugshot is Public anyways and he fucked me over so idc anymore.
Any other Ideas on how I could get back at my Cousin, have at it but keep it Legal ofc.


shoot him in the face

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