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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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hi everybody and welcome to the united states of america i'm your president mymy schoppenboer heil george washington 1776


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hi soygem again mymy here my left eye hurts like its swollen but its not bigger because eyes cant grow stupid


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yowww why is somebody pressing down on my eyes it hurtsssssss


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if you could stop distorting my face that would be great


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my eyes are hurting and i dont know why im so tired


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im feeling so sad right now because kyle rittenhouse isnt free


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hold on
my tie shouldnt be that big
what did you do chud

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