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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

File: 1722068306913.png (135.82 KB, 460x667, Untitled778_20240723232133….png)

 No.178418[View All]

post ALL your Tamas
263 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




What does the back of her head look like


File: 1725617945545.png (189.36 KB, 720x935, test.png)

something like this probably


File: 1725618019971.png (98.26 KB, 396x385, 1723926049184252.png)


i <3 attentionwhoring


tama backshots


obsessed thread


beautiful answer


File: 1725881682235.gif (437.06 KB, 200x210, pepe hang.gif)

>dead nigger of a board
>nobody cares about tama anymore
>created by a namefag


File: 1725882465531.png (14.84 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

fresh fanart (shitty fanart albeit, i can't draw that well with a touch pad)
not so dead methinks


File: 1725882545869.png (859.31 KB, 701x645, 0322 - ShrekBooru.PNG)

>not so dead even doe last post on /qa/ was 4 hours ago before your post


I care about Tama.


File: 1726161543944.png (215.79 KB, 1629x2048, hot_air_balloon_8.png)

From >>>/soy/299442


File: 1726235765509.png (435.41 KB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage (24).png)


File: 1726345835858.jpeg (192.81 KB, 1188x1543, Untitled590_2024091416281….jpeg)

heres a doodel


File: 1726357014111.jpeg (263.01 KB, 821x1049, IMG_7197.jpeg)



File: 1726362754584.png (306.28 KB, 879x901, 984.png)


File: 1726441619094.png (422.63 KB, 1673x1547, grape 1.png)


>tranny from sharty's /qa/ in the wild
eh… ohaiyou gosaimasu..!


literal who


File: 1726453635780.jpeg (12.98 KB, 218x161, IMG_0184.jpeg)


File: 1726453686585.jpeg (131.24 KB, 1009x952, IMG_0125.jpeg)


fr (i drew it)


what the hell does that mean


Fuck niggers


File: 1726542576471.png (53.38 KB, 789x1906, 1726427699906.png)


someone go pay some guy 5 dollars to make this now


File: 1726544074495.png (106.25 KB, 566x830, ClipboardImage.png)


kill ypurself


wait i fw this tho
brown skinned characters with colorful hair


File: 1726632677627-0.png (1.19 MB, 1126x1710, grace squirrel.png)

File: 1726632677627-1.png (1.14 MB, 1165x2286, Grace black pants cute.png)

request: draw tama with grace


File: 1726632947102-0.png (715.81 KB, 1830x1867, Grace 03 edit 2.png)

File: 1726632947102-1.png (326.49 KB, 1065x1314, 36_eyes.png)

File: 1726632947102-2.png (833.81 KB, 3000x3000, Grace mic OC.png)



blud who is this


>1 8
>4 8
TurkARYAN won


File: 1726949439104.png (70.19 KB, 1375x2392, 0001 - RoachBooru.png)


File: 1727294777370.jpg (193.43 KB, 736x1053, my wife tama.jpg)


inedible coal above me


earthshake causing brap above me


>No tail
>No 4 cat ears
>Wrong text color
>Paint bucketed


chika gem


File: 1727333374442.png (161.4 KB, 743x703, ClipboardImage (13) (2).png)


what a gem


She's unironically cute but her fans are goooners….


meds, i love tama but ive never gooned to her before. stop assuming all women are goonslop, incel


>men crossfressing as women
>women crossdressing as men


File: 1727529417749.jpg (14.11 KB, 203x309, shocke.jpg)


>woman = goonslop
bleed out and DIE


File: 1727945788511.png (942.22 KB, 1350x2005, ClipboardImage.png)


whoops i meant >>>/soy/328849


built for bbc

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