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/ohio/ - Ohio

only in ohio
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>>restructuring of rule 4
>how exactly
>>and maybe rule 2
>come on, spam SHOULD be allowed, there is no way to lose with that, only botted spam should be against the rules because botting is soulless and gay
>>there's fun in the chaos
>>bad threads or attention whore threads can now be easily dealt with
>>and if someone is dedicated enough to spam for more than 1 hour you can just call him obsessed or autistic and bully him for it
>literally no way to lose here, but i think some boards should be protected from catty wipes, like the high effort ones like /art/ and /sgp/
>it appears mods have decided to start deleting threads made by some corder. but without providing actual proofs as to why this has to be done, from the outside it only looks as if they're doing it because this poster has hurt the fee fees of another poster that they know. that gives the jannies a bad image, and also implies they were corders involved with some posters before becoming jannies here too. not a good look… what do you think about that? should the banning and deleting the threads of a certain bad person who doesn't break rules be allowed? this all looks so strange to me, the past doesn't really matter to me personally, unless it's hellish shit like grooming, but if xhey're not advertising their cords right now it's all fine in my eyes, because i think forming personal grievances with people on the soysphere is stupid as hell. and for the record, i don't have anyone from the soysphere as a friend, i only defend/condemn people for how they act here, not somewhere else. i think this is worth being discussed


where 1

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