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/y/ - Yaoi

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Doll x Reader

How you've got yourself into this is not important. What is important, however, is what is about to happen, and if there is a way to escape.

The pink man caresses your head, and here you realize - you can't do anything. Or you will die. The last thing you remember is someone orange pointing a gun at you, and a sharp pain in the back of your head. And that pain still lingers, albeit weaker.

You want to utter something, but you can't, there's a pacifier in your mouth. The terror sets in. You look at him. Behind those blue glasses are two dot eyes, and below a wide smile. He almost looks welcoming, but something isn't right. Are you wearing a diaper right now? You are.

"Easy there, little buddy."

He pulls you closer. For how long will this last, you ask yourself. Just wait it out, he'll get bored and will let you go eventually, right? No, you resist and try to get out of his grasp, but he's stronger.

"Wow, wow, now is not the time for play, baby. Let dada Doll give you some love first."

That name. Why would a man choose such a name? What is he planning to do? He stops petting you and pulls you in for a hug. You stay like that for a while. You can feel him breathing into your neck. Putting the absurdity and horror of this situation aside, this feels… comforting? Almost comforting. You refuse to believe what you feel. This is sinister. This is horrible. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be kept here by force. You really do feel helpless like a baby.

He turns your head to face him. Relaxed now and half-closed, these two simple dot eyes are staring right into you. He grabs your cheeks to pull your head lower and kisses you on the forehead. You just want this to end. But you can talk now. He removed the pacifier.

You want to say something, but can't find the words, not under that stare. You realize what's about to happen, you almost slipped away, but his hands grabbed your head stronger. He kisses you on the lips.

You wish you could escape, but you can't, and now he's making out with you. Quite forcefully. You wiggle and squirm, but to no avail. While this is happening, you're keeping the foul thoughts away as best you can. The thoughts of this not being so bad. The thoughts of wanting more. You feel something poking out from under that green apron. Chills go down your spine. If at first it was confusing, now it's easy to tell what this is all about.

He stops the kissing and places you in such a way so you could feel his boner on your pelvis, through the diaper. Must be really hard for that to be so. You feel terrible and excited. He puts the pacifier back into your mouth. It's like as if he gets a sick pleasure out of breaking you. Out of nowhere, he whips out a remote and clicks it. Brrr.

The diaper had a vibrator inside this whole time. Before you can make out what's happening, the pink pervert brings you closer to himself again. You don't even bother with escaping.

"Oh, what a mess. I'll get myself a new apron, but for now, you can just do whatever you want, little buddy."

Those two words… You can leave, but after this, you're not even sure what you're gonna do with your life anymore.


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>froot watching and gooning in the corner


>>froot watching and gooning in the corner
misread it award…….. but thats so sweet hes getting victims for his wife aaaw


>ze liked it
phew, i can die with a calm heart. yeah i basically turn frootcord into a mafia whorehouse in my stuff because just i can't take these fags seriously i'm sorry lol


i came


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>liked it even doe i LOVED IT
>yeah i basically turn frootcord into a mafia whorehouse in my stuff because just i can't take these fags seriously i'm sorry lol
holy aryan holy freaking crap thats so aryua i can feel the vril emminating from my screen holy CRAP that sounds fun and awesome

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