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File (hide): 1736383019752.png (17.05 KB, 1000x800, janjans.png)


 No.205054[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

We're hiring janitors for the site, and i'll be accepting applications for 1-2 weeks, depending on how many people we hire.

Email me your application at wemuttsarearyanlol@proton.me or contact me on telegram

Any non-serious applications will be rejected and ignored.


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 No.194251[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

This is a board for the posting of … things.

Outside of soy, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself!

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 No.205840[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>whitebois are improved by beatdowns


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 No.205808[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>women are improved by penises


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I'm not sure what he is doing with a bowl on his head but if he wants to get anywhere in life he's gonna have to build up the courage to take it off his head without breaking it. I know of few jobs you can do with a bowl on your head and even less that would hire you with it.


 No.205834[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>you don't respect my warhammer 40k collection? well i don't respect the fact you are a stacy into makeup and gossip despite the fact i asked for this date


Chud would never say this since he's never gone out on a date before


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 No.204029[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>You WILL NOT post non-spoilered NSFW content on any boards.


>last page with no spoiler
I'm just cool like that


 No.205833[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]





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 No.191484[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

Sean thread
64 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


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in this photo did both of them die and it was the end



File (hide): 1736571400014.webm (534.5 KB, 1280x720, vlc-record-2024-11-11-01h….webm) [play once] [loop]

ok you can close down the site on its anniversary because i lost the ability to think for myself and probably going to die with leno in a few months (even doe i never die) and i havent seen cobsonadult post in a while so feralcore is lost and as you can see this temperament isnt particular healthy. and also im a isfp cel now so i cant larp as a ni dom no longer.



 No.205831[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

dyreese didn't even serve time


 No.205830[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

i'm tired


 No.205827[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>jeffrey dahmer bad despite the fact that he was a wholesome queer person


 No.205826[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>trans oppression is human oppression


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 No.205821[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>ducked up


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>like a dead nigger baby


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someone forgot his meme arrow


 No.205822[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>complimenting women by saying they would have a big penis if they were a man


 No.205817[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>check your privilege


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>complimenting black people with no criminal records and who actually have a decent paying job by saying they could have cured cancer or fit gravity into the standard model if it wasn't for racism


I do this lol

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