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 No.205054[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

We're hiring janitors for the site, and i'll be accepting applications for 1-2 weeks, depending on how many people we hire.

Email me your application at wemuttsarearyanlol@proton.me or contact me on telegram

Any non-serious applications will be rejected and ignored.


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 No.194251[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

This is a board for the posting of … things.

Outside of soy, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself!

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Have more questions or need help?
Visit the FAQ for more information about the site, formatting tips, and how to contact the admins directly.


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 No.205807[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

Hawk tuah respect button ^


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 No.205684[Watch Thread][Reply]>>205806[>][<]

>hear a ring on your doorbell
>somone left five helpless foals on your doorstep
whats your next more
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>using the gem theme in the big '25


gemmy thread


sell them on craigslist


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>>205684 (OP)
Call animal control


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 No.205803[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

nooooooooooooooooooo you heckin RACIST BIGOT youu cant say the HARD-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DOWNVOTE HIMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>/z/ for russia

I was top of my class in reddit university, I worked hard to stop bigotry, racism and wrongthink such as this
enjoy your negative karma bigot


Thank you for bringing this to my attention I will make sure that this board is removed


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 No.205797[Watch Thread][Reply]>>205801[>][<]

This is a place to ask specific, non divisive, close ended questions.


Why is bbc so good


you do not have a bbc


>>205797 (OP)
all me, and this migth not be relevant but i just want to mention that im a jewish tranny (mtf) from analbania and i loving having sex with children


is this related to soos in anyway


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 No.203887[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>In these uncertain, trying times of the new normal


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>You WILL kneel when the george floyd anthem plays


I do this


 No.205792[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

what does the possibility of someone called cobsonadult but instead of being called cobsonadult they were called calmadolesent. and instead of liking weezer and lemon demon they listened to radiohead and jack stauber. and instead of playing stuff like the sims 2 and spore they played hearts of iron 4 and plauge inc.

and where as cobsonadult will never make a song from being autistic as can be and posts on sites of bald men with glasses. calmadolesent will never find the time to make a animation from posting on shitposting subreddits. and consider instead of being on cytubes he is on the semi public invite only discord servers that the moderators post sometimes. on said subreddits. and being that this site is a splinter of a shitposting subreddit that got to popolour and thus post quality and edge did thus another was made. such as wordington. and rather posting cats they posted owls. and self inserted as jack stauber


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Now imagine if calmadolescent was somebody called gapenewborn instead and he's a drake and p.diddy fan and he's a soundcloud rapper who posts on ig reels and tiktok and self-inserts as drake


and instead of posting owls he'd post cupcakes


i want photoproff of that internet phenotype


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 No.205742[Watch Thread][Reply]>>205791[>][<]

dead nigger


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why does pepe eye look like eye of ra


>>205742 (OP)
This pepe looks ducked up


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 No.205486[Watch Thread][Reply]>>205659[>][<]

i’ve been intermittent fasting everyday and reading religious texts such as the bible and the tao te ching
it feels like my soul is finally healing, like im retrieving the innocence i lost long ago during childhood.
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thanks fren


it has always been that


>>205486 (OP)
what the hell is tao te chink


is the ultimate goal of esoteric practices is to mirror "god" or so and so its called. onward and upward. holy margerald if this is a genuine axiom


if at somepoint it dosent become creative mode im going to be dissapointed. i would the ability being to shift reality like what is possiable through visualzation


 No.192146[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

ITT we share our favorite songs or tracks.
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So good…

Your fortune: A pleasant surprise is coming your way




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 No.205656[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

woot and adfe own this shithole so bad kek it's not even funny
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>oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
does anyone hear that?


hi svvt


Why so brown




svvty svvt


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 No.205640[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

Shut this shit hole down
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77ggggj s vik9cz-rthzs-i9tzsi9ty7ol56al346aO#^A4\i]9e4az\]zx\]gxfni85yaa3y6qji346ajioat4u8fbz09zfb09fbz-9zfb[-0izg[ogn[pnp['lzsa\]-0o9k no9 nbo9nzy;m,l,lsfgbnpjomry[iw0954yw09-=934q-=t-0]q\a\\cvxi-0]xcv
0go[0 i0o eta0i 0yi03tiq


Yeah I forgot to mention that kek
nobody likes autistic blogpost shit, I wonder if he ever thinks "maybe I shouldn't blogpost about snca on random websites" cause it's kinda embarrassing.


>Arabic detected


i was larping as you on telegram and they banned me for being a chinnycuck


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 No.205769[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

>da joos are the reason I can't tie my shoes mom you don't get it


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the jews made fail my world history test


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 No.205759[Watch Thread][Reply][>][<]

torture me lviv-san~ >-<
1 post omitted. Click to expand.


ukraine isnt white


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its so fucking hot knowing that white ukrainian men are dying on the frontlines while ukrainian girls are getting BLACKED by strong african men in europe


i already say this why falseflag me



sorry lil bro serbia still isnt white :skull:

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