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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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there is NOTHING worth living for
you WILL mock any attempt at believing in something greater
you WILL only ever speak in multiple layers of irony and irreverence
you WILL praise nonsense and subversion for subversion's sake
trannies, marxism and pedophilia




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Marxism is aryan thoughie post modernism is created by the bourgeoisie out of the lack of empathy, ie the exploitation of the working class. Marx insults religion slightly, but being against religion or tradition is not apart of base Marxism.


kys commie pedo kike


I'm not communist actually, I would label my beliefs as conservative or religious socialism




Not doe
I mean all communist states besides leninist Russia and Cuba made Sodom illegal, but that was normal everywhere and was an atheist state. Also uh cuba is actually more religious


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>>>342145 (You)
>Not doe
>I mean all communist states besides leninist Russia and Cuba made Sodom illegal, but that was normal everywhere and was an atheist state. Also uh cuba is actually more religious




Utterly repugnant revisionism. Religion (idealism) is completely opposed to materialism and the marxist worldview.


Get lynched, revisionist.


That's not true. Marxism isn't a religion, it can be manipulated like any other ideology.

It's not 1917 anymore


All "religious socialists" are revisionist retards who never even read marx. You cannot think dialectically without abandoning idealism. It is anti-materialist.


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Revisioning of what? I never said I'm a Marxist. Marx didn't invent socialism and I'm not a Marxist. I'm more aligned with Gaddafi or the early Christian socialist movements.


Lynch this idealist now.


someone tell this idealist to read marx already. Marx already debunked your retarded worldview SORRY!


the religious aren't necessarily idealists in practice o algo

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