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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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>every shemmyshit makes an account on some large platform that's borderline impossible to ban evade or make alts on
>every fresh IP has to verify ownership of said account before an admin (not a mod or janny) via posting a code or something in order to use the shemmy
>additionally ban evading should be allowed unless you did something illegal
>renders all trackers or hwid bans invalid as a tool for dubious altchan owners to datamine you under the guise of preventing 'p spam
>residential proxy and tor users can freely verify and post without getting cucked by said datamining
>ban evading repeatedly becomes a Herculean task for 'p posters
>it becomes completely impossible for quote to spam with a botnet short of spending weeks making hundreds of accounts on the platform completing thousands of captchas and creating hundreds of emails in advance while also getting cucked by their anti bot measures
>instead you get datamined by a software corporation that doesn't care about your data
>platform can experience a johnson leak, but this is only a problem if you use repeating passwords or usernames

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