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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1722784233448.jpg (86.3 KB, 768x768, slfsuit.jpg)


ITT: You suggest features to be added to the shemmy
Megathread for gemmy features you'd like to see added.
These ideas will be discussed with 'Leno and might be added.
So link github repos, ask for new shit, provide ur own user scripts, ect.


Ban cockvore16


shut up


Add rainbow pride flag rizz


File: 1722785773105.png (71.32 KB, 469x385, 0001 - LaughBooru.png)

easy custom background via image link, and complentry text colour changes like xhe 3ds


dead site


just so dead


Add .mov file support


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