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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1722717359546.png (54.12 KB, 600x800, neutralplier.png)


What are the rules for /soy/? I know they have swwt era rules but im an extreme nufag and don't know what the rules are


Idk but can I have sex with you


File: 1722717572979.gif (8.77 MB, 600x811, 1722006481592.gif)

We MIGHT change our stance on this if it bothers people too much but just don't post SNCA NAS on /soy/ and try to relegate that stuff to /qa/. Light NAS that's shemmy related is allowed for the most part but if it gets out of hand we'll move it so that /soy/ isn't just /qa/ but more soyjaks.


File: 1722717622456.gif (1.62 MB, 498x280, 1720479839552838.gif)

also hello churro sissies


OK can we have sex now



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