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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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guys, im really confused about what i think is hypocritical rule enforcement and i don't want to keep shitting up /qa/ with meta threads
apparently some guy got banned for saying he finds a 17 year old anime character attractive and posting bikini photos of her. at the same time, the mods here spoilered an image about a week ago of maya from ongezellig in a shirt and underwear. it wasn't deleted and it was up until it slid off page 20. in the show, maya goes to school, so its obvious the character is probably underage.
why was the guy who posted the other character banned? we allow 16 year olds and up to post on our site and we probably have an underage majority. and a lot of our userbase is in europe where most countries ages of consent is 16.
im sorry for rambling but i guess im just concerned about how it feels like rules are being enforced so inconsistently.


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and yesterday, people were banned for reposting doxes. i know doxing is immoral but this site has never been a moral place with "AryanNiggerRaper" as a namefield user.
at the same time, actual threats against doll and his family were left up. because his real address was there and an actual image was posted of the weapons, police would probably think of this as a credible threat even if it seems like a joke.
i guess i'm confused about the current rule enforcement on this site.


It's somewhat true that the rules haven't been enforced the best as of recent, which me and the other manager hope to find out a solution too that won't take as much time. Sorry for the inconsistencies, i'll ask Angeleno to see if we can resolve this sort of gray area and have a definitive answer on this so that we don't need to base this on the thoughts of a moderator in the moment.


Thanks for your honest reply.
This is one of the reasons I didn't want to become a janitor, I wasn't sure how to actually enforce these rules that seem gray.
I want you to know I don't do this to create artificial drama. I don't enjoy "concern trolling" like @mymy on kiwifarms. I love this website, its clear from how much I post here. If I didn't, I wouldn't contribute so much. I'm just concerned seeing something I love being so inconsistent


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The way we handled that wasn't the best, i'll admit that. I'm gonna try to talk to the staff about the differences of that. The staff is very anti-doxxing so this was just a reaction to this. As a result the rule may change again but we'll probably try to find out the opinion of the userbase on doxxing if it has to come to that. Again sorry for these inconsistencies.


I'm surprised the staff is anti-doxing. I remember the "reprehensible shemmy related people" rule and you defending it if you are Mutt.


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God I hate getting into this type of shit because it's usually a waste of time that doesn't go anywhere.
Most of the time anti-anime stuff is posted by some zelligers themselves, which makes them look quite hypocritical. I am of the opinion that the physical appearance matters more, but it's still a pretty complicated thing where context matters a lot.
For an example, a person drawing suggestive/nsfw aged up art of let's say Anya Forger from Spy x Family has some grim implications about that person. And if someone else reposted that drawing while not being aware of its source, it's safe to say that he is clean and isn't deserving of punishment. However, it gets more complicated if the reposter IS aware, but still finds the image hot. Is he attracted to that specific version of the character exclusively? Or does he have the hots for the original child version too? He is not the creator after all, he wasn't compelled by the original version to draw something like that. And what about teenager characters? If the person who is attracted to them is a teen himself, then there is really nothing wrong, however it shouldn't be posted still. This could attract actual groomers and put the teens in danger.
Another thing people bitched about is bury pink. A lot don't know her exact origin, and I personally see her as a completely separate character from Madoka. They also cited her lack of breasts and BDSM wear as creepy, as if flat chested girls don't exist. Erm, misogynistic much, chuddies? And she's drawn as an adult with huge honkers sometimes anyway, in a completely different costume from the original pedogoon drawing too. The aged up conundrum also applies here. (Also should be noted that actual Madoka herself looks very similar to Mymy in appearance, lol)
>Inb4 people call me a pedotroon
I'm not even attracted to the girls usually posted here, more of a HISA fan tbqha+. But I still find them cute in a "looking at images of cats" way. I guess I'm more tolerant to this bs after spending so much time on 4chan. I hope jannies will be able to make a good final decision.


beatsaber zoo above


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nahhh bruh yapped this much just for all that


calling the bury pink girl pedophilia is a major stretch. thinking back to when jaika was manager and the conflict with the "mymy" kiwifarms user started, i think most people were annoyed by how it was in the sticky, since nobody ever called it out before it was stickied. (back when /qa/ had only just become the main board)
i agree with almost all your points though.
i'm surprised there are actually that many zellig posters. i sometimes hate on anime as a joke or bait, but i genuinely don't mind it.




This some wacko shit bruh 😭
The sticky's image should've been more neutral, yeah. I've heard that [s4s] does have a weird groomcord occupying it, so relating to that place is undesirable. I wish niceposting(as in not being mean) would get claimed by some other place.


Tbh I dont care if its posted, it just looks odd to use it in the sticky. Its a shame that niceposting has this stigma


mutt, you said on /qa/ you didn't understand what happened so i realized i should give you a rundown
some guy posted a image of an anime girl wearing a bikini, said she was attractive according to another poster online at the time, then he was repeatedly banned for "pedophilia". another poster said the girls name was "kaguya". being concerned about potential post deletion and rulecucking, i took a screenshot of the post. should i repost the image so you can see it? it is visibly and obviously not lolicon porn, which you can tell just from the way the body looks.


I think i did see it, i'm not very sure what to say about it. Although I believe the guy who posts those threads was a ban evader before and the same guy trying to force his vtuber slop back a month ago


the lilyhops poster that lee made /vt/ for?
guessing somebody is another poster isn't a strong thing to rely on
since you only "think" you know, do you want me to repost it with a spoiler? i regularly screenshot posts when deleted for this reason




No no it's fine, i saw it while the sperg out was going down for a moment, it wasn't really much but i can understand why the janny had a bit of a meltdown for a sec. But yes that guy is the same poster as the lilyhops one who also posts a lot of other anime shit too.


oh i'm a jannycuck yes i'm a jannyfail


lilyhops poster was skajyos doe



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