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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.3184[Last 50 Posts]

who else remembers when doll said he had "Negociations made with spammer" after buying soygem, then the massive frogbot spamwaves suddenly stopped?
Doll very likely knows the spammer.
It was about removing competition for the sharty all along. All his lies of a personal hate of shemmy or wanting to play cat and mouse with the code were almost surely lies.


tell us something new.


telling our newfriends the truth about this bot spam.


Im more interested in who toot and drool was


obviously doll filling the janny ranks with sockpuppets so if he was kicked, he could stay. good that he's not a smart guy and made this samecuckery so obvious, so he could be fully kicked out


DOLL, yeji, and doddermod are and were the worst fucking jannies ever, thank fuck they are gone now


agreed on the other 2 though


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he hates me cuz he ain't me


Doddermod can suck a cock, said he hated scvr and svvt, and that the old shemmy was worse than HIS shemmy.


When you die i will find where you live, sell all my belongings and fly to your grave and masturbait on it while recording it, upload the recording online and then kill myself, in that exact order.


take a chill pill


>his shemmy
explain what the difference was, also shemmy has never been good or bad, its always been a wild mix of elements because we dont rulecuck


Funnily enough doll was the one to actually fire doddermodd.


doll is the worst janny this site has ever seen and he's a lying control freak too


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>i'm going to own my online enemy by threatening to commit suicide


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holy fuck you blithering idiot. I never said I hated those guys, in fact I was the one to expose the subversion of this site once they left. you hate me because I made fun of you for being a nazi femboy oldtroon larper.
you guys really like thinking about my dick


Yeji was froot if froot was worse, was a cross dressing faggot, and had a self harm fetish.

<reddit spave

I hate doddermod because hes a faggot who made fun of me


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the site got spammed twice when doll was the admin but yall nusoygluggas have selective memories


hi !!!!!!, please go back


I dident larp about being a oldfag, you literally just say that,


Why frogposters are (((sometimes))) okay


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>the site got spammed twice when doll was the admin but yall nusoygluggas have selective memories


do you not remember how the entire log was just /qa/ reposts for the last day that "foot" was in charge


then man up you fucking cunt


i recognized the filesize. this one uses a randomizer and runs a spammingbot.


Btw was yeji the one that actually posted 'p or do we still not entirely know


doll is too retarded to learn to code which is why he brought in nudataminer


no proof so far IIRC


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stop talking about sncae
sexy mare thread


when i realized the truth about that evil man being in charge i left. he was not getting my ip any more


esl fail


sharty lost
logan lost
shemmygods won
mlp won


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nusoigegas can't figure out why the jarty is beating them in pph


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truely a mystery


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/mare/ won


>negotiations with spammer
the only people that spam/bot imageboards are the feds. this guy either lied or is actively fedding the website.


Fuck you dodder
Literally the worst ever bait ever posted, the guy who runs the jarty is a pedophile aswell


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take your meds little buddy


>WRONG! my honeypot is better than YOUR HONEYPOT!


also doddy is presumably pretty fast at deleting 'p so he's alright in my eyes
i remember the spam. pretty weird. the fuck is even going on behind the scenes, lol. so many liars around here, this is all very gay


how new are you, we've been spammed by an obsessed sharty frogposter for months


>coming back after you knew logan was admin
I hope you used tor


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Go to https://jakparty.soy/mare/index.html
has more pph than the shemmy GEEEEEG


i have never even heard of the sharty until i stumbled here


why did you ignore me on /pol/


This HAS to be bait


you are very, very fortunate


t. hasnt ever seen /mare/


nice soyjak website you bastards


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>its actually real
its over


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>my digital number in lights went up more than your digital number in lights over 5% of one rotation of the earth on its axis so i'm better than you or something or however i came to ponies that look little


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higher PPH than here


i tried finding what it was but got cockblocked by a 3rd world captcha so i immediately decided it wasnt worthy of my time or data. soyjaks aren't funny enough to have to sacrifice info for


we definitely have more than 35 hourly posts, and it doesnt matter anyway because PPH doesn't determine quality. Look at /b/, /trash/ or the shitty


and now you see why there is such a captcha


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seethe more shemcuck


anyone who thinks pph matters have adhd which is pretty much autism lite


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>actively hires discord mods
>lets codefag wipe the site
>unbans lolicon and defends it
>bidenflare 24/7
>telegramcord where all the jannies gossip about each other
>manager posts cp
>switches admins every week
>can't stop one botter


oh its a ponyfag, yeah autism is a big issue over there.



agreed. plus the site is a dataminer now. code was found that
>tracks whether you have tuxler open (confirmed)
>tracks whether you have the discord app open (unconfirmed but seems likely from the code ive seen analyzed)
>tracks device screen size, timezone etc
not only that but sometimes the jannies take UP TO 20-40 MINUTES to remove CP spam.
and its rulecucked too, you get banned for posting soyjaks or having a conversation across threads meanwhile the jannies will let the mariokart tard ppst identifuably all day.
shitty dataminer and double standard website


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>>actively hires discord mods
>>lets codefag wipe the site
>>unbans lolicon and defends it
>>bidenflare 24/7
>>telegramcord where all the jannies gossip about each other
>>manager posts cp
>>switches admins every week
>>can't stop one botter


every imageboard's history summarized in one post. ibs are sustainable since 4chan has a monopoly and can do fuck all


*aren't sustainable


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>>actively hires discord mods
>>Iets codefag wipe the site
>>unbans lolicon and defends it
>>bidenflare 24/7
>>telegramcord where all the jannies gossip about each other
>>manager posts cp
>>switches admins every week
>>can't stop one botter


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this guy is a known baiter and probably the bot spammer him-self


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>shemmycacas cant even raid a dead jarty board


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>this guy is a known baiter and probably the bot spammer him-self


this whole genre of "shitposting" is full of children why am i even here


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slowest inspect element ever award


glowies actively engaging with people? yeah im snitching. someone's doing a terrible job


now i know your here did you make the cuck jarty aladdin parody? it was funny


no i just spammed it because it's funny


not a 'p spammer, this guy spams random messages and soyquotes from 4chan archives to slow down our site


what do you think about the wasm shit


ok so the feds are trying to drive traffic back into their honeypot, sounds right.


annoying as fuck because it completely prevented me from posting yesterday


he spams us with soyquotes and random spam messages telling us we lost. he probably wants us to return to the sharty.


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>not a 'p spammer, this guy spams random messages and soyquotes from 4chan archives to slow down our site


why do you still defend the site if they track your open applications and do this crap at every turn?


nobody is going to do that shitskin captcha they put up


i'd say shemmy has some of the older users on the soysphere, along with jarty. i am myself over 18. i don't really take any of this seriously and go to other boards if i want more serious discussions


the site still has over twelve thousand daily posts somehow


TSMT. I'm here because I like soyjaks and soyquoting people. That's mainly it.


i have a salary but waste my life on these random boards. I've met weirder people, but there's something off about these soyjak imageboards popping out of nowhere. I'm scouting boards and seeing how good they are and if i can stay.


the sharty is almost all underages. many openly said they were 13-15 before a 16+ age limit was installed. now everybody is 16 now lmao


you didn't answer this


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are you the manager?


soyjaks were mostly populated from twitter and other social media which primarily have a younger audience, that's why i dont take most of the people here seriously. it's all people who are just graduating middle school or have been severely depraved of their humor


the sharty was made for shitposting sometime before /qa/ on 4chan was closed. for a while the spirit of baiting and raiding people with soyjaks that first cultivated on /qa/ stayed alive on there, but after the many admin changes it evolved into something entirely different. jarty tries to be old sharty, while shemmy tries to be /qa/. the splinters mainly pop up as alternatives, made by users who don't like how the sharty is managed currently


on twitter and other normal platforms soyjaks are only used as a caption. a meme might have a movie the creator likes and soyjak beneath it and a movie he likes with a gigachad to the side. its only on imageboards you actually see people write societally critical soyquotes


i only went on /qa/ for moot and forgot about it. i briefly remembered when someone said /qa/ became a mostly soyjak shitpost board but i didnt care to check. trying to preserve old ways of shitposting is not hard, but it ruins the fun when you have threads like these where there's no fun, just depressing.


jarty does not try to be soot's sharty
>soot had a /b/ where lolicon porn was allowed
>soot's jannies banned unironic MLP generals that weren't one off or leebaits
>soot allowed pedobaiting and pedophilic remarks
>soot allowed gore on /soy/
>soot only rarely cracked down on adult porn and adult gay porn on /soy/
>soot never banned people for using anime avatars except remilia who evaded anyway


it is annoying but not depressing. its good to remember the history so you know to never as long as you live trust doll again.




adhdfaggot consider suicide
none of these words are in the Bible. Are you the antichrist?


you take this too seriously


not him but these are definitely in the KJV


no idea or even care about who doll is but you shouldn't have to live in fear constantly because the feds want to push you back


feds dont care about shemmy, doll is just another dataminer


Take my gold kind stranger! Updoot!




you'd be suprised. from the looks of it, sharty and jarty are honeypots and the feds want you to move where they want you to be


sharty might be an actual honeypot. it allows crazy shit, actual threats stay posted, it mines all your data, VPNs are banned


fed's first pot


the vpn ban showed it. it didnt even stop the p spam


I'm going to delete this thread within 24 hours because my ip is on it and no posts ever get bumped off from /sgp/ so archive it if you want


>shemmy: fagged
>sharty ultrafagged
>jarty pedofagged
I just want a stable place to jak in


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it's not fair i missed all the logan cooper drama today because you moved this thread kill yourself tranitor

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