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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

/qa/ is my ridge (ja)

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 No.38377[View All]

Fuck this brown pajeet King Caesar tranny who keeps false reporting me for "ban evasion" when I was unbanned almost a month ago
I can't even try appealing because whenever I try posting nothing even shows up
177 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No, that's just after when school ends for me
Well the last time I posted my face was a year ago


>school ends for me
What? School makes it physically impossible for you to take pictures of yourself?


No but uh I guess it just feels best if I post it then


this guy is definitely a tranny now kek


File: 1718830612197.png (178.18 KB, 494x468, 1718723161167.png)

Alright fine heres a picture of what i look like, happy?


No King Caesar, I'm male


we went from
>joel is asian
>joel is white
>joel is jewish
>joel is arab
>joel is turkish
>joel is indian
what am i supposed to believe?


the one that isn't listed


nothing about joel is any of those ethnicities, hes 100% amerimutt


so why don't we just send joel to the jarty already he just shat up this entire site


File: 1718831305775.mp4 (996.03 KB, 1912x960, bandicam 2024-06-19 14-07-….mp4)

I can't post for some reason idk why this is happening
There's not even a ban page so I can appeal for the false ban


posted your password award
also mods send this faggot to the jarty so he can stop being a nigger here


No kys
Nudev needs to fix whatever is happening in vidrel and Root needs to tell his jannies to stop false banning me


just go back to discord its the same thing as the sharty


Erm but xir that's where you come from not me


>Erm but xir that's where you come from not me
fucking kek


What is there to laugh at pedo tranny


you're so retarded you don't realize, so i'm not going to tell you


It's just glitched jöel, happened to me too


I know you come from discord, trooncasing tranny. I didn't


you're so fucking moronic its unbelievable and yet here you are


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I'm not even unbanned yet, let alone can I post
Fuck King Caesar the pajeet FPE discord tranny false reporting me


King Caeser won
India Won
Discord Won
Joel lost


File: 1718832209908.png (13.47 KB, 564x758, 1717810611238.png)

Thats weird, i suffer from the same problem


Is that you Floridian


File: 1718832278881.png (60.59 KB, 410x479, giga9.png)

>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/


Who the fuck is floridian


File: 1718832384966.png (24.77 KB, 576x490, 1718794592513.png)

>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/


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>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/


posts mlp porn btw


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>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/


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>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/


File: 1718832687263.png (928.02 KB, 721x720, 1718804214708.png)

>>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/


File: 1718832736378.png (315.04 KB, 1024x1024, feral(5).png)

>>>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/
>Flood detected; Post discarded.


one time in a fpe thread joel was so obsessed the thread got over 500 replies and im pretty sure it was the biggest thread the shemmy ever had


File: 1718832813631.png (135.73 KB, 888x1341, 1717619198017n.png)

>>>>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/
>>Flood detected; Post discarded.


File: 1718832836511.png (150.28 KB, 1024x1024, feral(2).png)

>>>>>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/
>>>Flood detected; Post discarded.
>Flood detected; Post discarded.


dont bring your retarded drama here fuck you joel


File: 1718832973678.png (211.7 KB, 2048x2048, 7d5345f0-c1c9-47a3-a782-1c….png)

>>>>>>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/
>>>>Flood detected; Post discarded.
>>Flood detected; Post discarded.


File: 1718832994464.png (8.58 KB, 228x221, soyak(15).png)

>>>>>>>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/
>>>>>Flood detected; Post discarded.
>>>Flood detected; Post discarded.


File: 1718833074391.png (27.07 KB, 1080x1012, 1718797119377.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>banning everyone who ever posted on /pol/
>>>>>>Flood detected; Post discarded.
>>>>Flood detected; Post discarded.


forgot to chudfag award


File: 1718840753447.png (342.45 KB, 1157x762, ClipboardImage.png)

Wish I was able to respond to this shit
Pretty sure that's some impersonator


you want one of us to do it instead


File: 1718841278926.png (74.11 KB, 940x293, ClipboardImage.png)

But jannies will fall for any false report shit King Caesar or his DKH buddies do while they allow FPE shit despite being complete NAS


File: 1718841383091.mp4 (6.02 MB, 640x480, black and white KEEEEEEEEE….mp4)

>he's still getting baited by FPE
christ are you this retarded? You do realize once you stop giving these baiters attention they'll end up dying off? You're literally a lolcow to them


Just reminder i love BBC


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File: 1718883606199-3.png (Spoiler Image, 69 B, 1x1, ClipboardImage.png)

I can't believe I missed this thread.


This is truly the moment coalson became brimstoneson


This thread is funny so im gonna bump ot again btw

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