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/pol/ - Politicoal

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This board is for discussing current events, politics, country shit-flinging, and related topics.

Rule 3 does not apply on this board.

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Computer is broke, can't work on Sude.party today. Might as well get super drunk and post dumb shit on the Shemmy.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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I already paid for a new laptop. It is arriving tomorrow morning.

As I said. Sude.party will be a thing. Blackpillers will be proven wrong.


brazil won


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>rulecucks won


that's aryan shemmycuck


kek your fail redirects to the sparty kek!

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You should delete this board now that the chinnyshits moved out


Seriously though shut it the fuck down already


i dont think its bad to just have it lie around in case something happens


They can just use /soy/ though the chinnyfails that occasionally post here never use this board

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Odessa won
Kill sandnigger, sootist pedo, satanist pedos
Hail sharty

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>blow rape whistle
>more rapists come and rape me
does this happen in your cunt
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


is bro retarded? this is why slav trannies and femboys pass so well and are so cute btw you're part asian


Sharing an ancient haplogroup does NOT mean I'm part Asian, retard. You should really look into genetics if you're this dumb.


stfu twink


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Another argument won. Another brownoid angered.


god i wish

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Weres the new splinter?


retarded faggot >>1281

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>the spinny is broken already


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he won

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Rulecucked brimstone

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Umm… sisters?


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