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/f/ - Flash

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oh man im so bored
but my teacher showed a lotf analysis and it had a doomer wojak AND a hitler ytpmv holy aryan


la la la im having fun like fnf
brushninja was used to make this btw i dont have flash on my FREAKING 'book
i drew a wee bit yesterday while i was waiting for the domains to cmoe back up but err i cant post it because its on my ipad
yes i love typing snca yes i love typing snca aaaack i think there was a fire nearby my school and i inhaled allat for a few seconds. i had trouble breathing a few times yesterday
a few dangerous things have been happening #mightdie ill write my will when i get home


ok ok ok ok ok ok FAGGOTS we need to team up with every other soy site to mass report every soijak we find on normie sites
we need to gatekeep we really actually truly do need to gatekeep more like seriously we honestly really need to gatekeepe


>it has already been 6 hours
that really is nuts! also
>soygem.party goes to the shemmy
>soygemerald.party goes to the swinny
did they just own us?


'tannification on the recent images thing…ay carumba
anyways i might redraw this ( https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/maison-kitsune-2015-fallwinter-kim-campaign-ship-redraws ) but with kuz on top and vadim on the bottom because i think kuz is the gayer one
sigh! binderflare!
putting linkrel here so i can look at these later


i think my teacher'[s tweaking hes playing reversed music thats so scary….. #scary… ummm wwyd


it reminds me of suicide mouse but theres acutal music playuing im so confued


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_9 leaving this here so i can listen to it later but i think he was playing this lole….. tweakcord wokeup


sloppy makeout session with my wife soyak aaaaaaaaough im so bored
rapesn: can you hawk tuah on that thing
hawk tuah respect button >>>>>>


yep, a gem is coming


>look up furry sex dolls for funsies
>find brand with human """"""loli""""" dolls
quite the jumpscare
goodnight shemmy


i've been wondering, what are your headcanons for the soy wojacques? like where they live and stuff
in my autistic headcanons, the variants live in the same neighborhood. for rapeson, he's not really human and is instead a sinister entity that lurks in the dark and hunts at night, picking out those who go out alone. chud has a conspiracy theory that he's a government invention to keep the soyciety in check, but his actual origin is unknown


hi blud how you doin on gang
>Thread has reached its maximum image limit.
my hc for rapeson is that the government was experimenting with making super soldiers to be cheating little fucks in future wars. they took some dna from cobson, made an artificial embryo, and trained it to be le heckin overpowered
but rapeson escaped because ummmmm he just did okay and he truned into my wife
i remember reading lore (not canon doe because someone can just change the text on the 'ki) that said that soyak grew up in san fransisco, and i think he's too soy to move (muh childhood houserino! i cant leave that behind!!!!!)
>the goyim(chud) know (even doe its just a conspiracy theory)
anyways i transheart reading soyjak headcanons because thye';re #FUN!


yea, chud is a bit of a rebel in my interpretation, collecting evidence and building all these theories, thinking he's sneaky. but the glowies already know, and they know nobody will believe him because he's chuddy so they don't even bother with silencing him lol. the "events" take place in this future where there's less freedoms and more control, but they make it look like as if things are fine
pretty funny that our headcanons almost match in the experiment part


>Revolution 9
holy gem


gemmy hcs
>pretty funny that our headcanons almost match in the experiment part
great minds think alike


ok back to blogposting because im bored
for the first time in 5ish years, i saw a kid picking his nose and eating his boogers. mind you we're 10th graders (yes im 16 jannies [also marge i dont see the 16 and up rule on the rules page marge]). i dont know i just think it's very very very strange and weird. that kid's weird. i remember him saying something like "you don't want to know the darkness i've seen" during social studies. he's one of those weird highlighter kids.
his name also happens to be logan. which is kinda weird methinks. i've only been acquainted with three people named logan. the first one was some kid i had a crush on when i was in 3rd/4th grade, the sencond is doll, and the third is the weird kid.
speaking of weird kids (despite me being one), i;m stuck at a table with two kids that i really do not like. it's in math class. they're two of those "pipebomb xddDDD" and "erm yes im on wallstreetbets!" kids. i think they might be redditors. no idea!!! a lot of the male students happen to be very annoying tbqh. usually the ones that are loud (black kids and wannabe white kids). sigh its so hard being in uhhhh alaska because im in alaska and i live in alaska. 100%.


also. the logan that was eating his boogers and shiiiet didnt know what contradict meant


>anyways i might redraw this ( https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/maison-kitsune-2015-fallwinter-kim-campaign-ship-redraws ) but with kuz on top and vadim on the bottom because i think kuz is the gayer one
working on this & giving kuzzy a boooooooneeeerrrrrrrrrrrr hardyhardyhar




>janitorai starts tweaking as soon as i wake up and start roleplaying as nate with doll
>doll's getting blueballed because i cant suck his hot hard peanis


any admins wanna… whitelist my ip? 👀💦❤️


>doll's NOT getting blueballed because i CAN suck his hot hard peanis
whining DOES work!


nvm. cant have nun in dis shiet world.




is this chatai but with gooning allowed or something


let me in
ler me out
are you still
havig doubts
i thought i was your nigga
umtil you something something oh well




yes absolutely
flodo detecex hahshhdhahxvshnajmmhubqbbdhbaji15627271 h


this doll nigga is a FREAK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


>Sex is a natural part of life, and it's perfectly fine to want that kind of connection with someone you care about.


>infj babble
accurate bot


i don't think there's a feature to do that, they must stored where the whole site is hosted, so it could be done only if they have server access probably. they should add manual ip whitelisting doe



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