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/f/ - Flash

Not geriatric
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niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers


This sucks…


i owe svvt an apology, if she saw the site now she would rope herself


Just, kill quote, xhe's a parasite of splinter
Thankfully sharty start to collapsing due to domain report


i'm bidenflared again so i'll use this thread for making replies
they become funnier if you understand the captions. this one says "was sad on subway that i couldn't beat a level, but some kind man decided to help and beat it for me. good people still exist " and most of these are like this


crabbing is a term you'll see often on 4cuck's /ic/. it means purposefully giving bad art advice to erase competition, troll or just make someone's life harder




damn that was a piss poor definition he used, urban dictionary was better




this is now my personal blog at education building edition
uuuuuugh have to do trillions of essays now. nope, still not using chatgpt


i've seen him on the chinny, probably bidened


do do doooot


it's so ohio how people still don't have the full version of this pic


i dont think the full drawing was ever posted


i know, because i drew it. i might post it when i get home


atp make me admin and i will do what the people want and dont want


my promise:
>removal of bidenflare
>readding of /korea/ or /b/
>more then reasonable jannies
>banning 'lita IF its nsfw
>the creation of an offical matrix community
>public board creation (if possible)
and what i consider a revolution:
>reformation as qaculture.com
>heavy migration to qaculture from other sites
>/soy/ merger with /qa/ again as a test
>a possibility of turning the sharty into one of our colonys


horrible ideas


>Thread has reached its maximum image limit.
is over


PHEW i can still tap into an unbidened address on my vpn, just gotta get lucky with it



okay i did it >>>/art/1608
whatever, i might delete it later, don't want to hijack the guy's thread


wrong thread, big buddy


shut up theyre great trust me






fuck (((biden)))((((flare)))

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