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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Tomorrow, January 22nd. Will be the!


cytube tmw after svvt qna
more info about tmw coming later
post emotes you want ittPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


crazy work nobody cares tho

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hes literally like halfway black!!! how can he be blacked!!!!


is he half blender too cause im gonna chuck that little shit in one




bo was part of homercord actually so its okay to chuck him in a blender because hes a disgusting pedophile


homer looks so happy

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>I realize why we like anime YouTubers so much, because it is the closest thing we will get to anime girls being real.


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>anime girru good because anime boys are even less attractive and desirable than asian men so if they were real my tiny asian pecker would get sex


good thread

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0 pph
the time has come to shut it down



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maybe i shouldnt be trying to draw in the snow whilst its snowing


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Draw the new wojak and shill the site under it


erm do this


no arrow therefore you are the karl marx gigachad and you are sucking a bbc


and thats bad because…..?

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she will always be a gem
i love her
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bump or something


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add back the holo rizz and add /s&w/ - spice and wolf


discord thread


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dead nigger on wheels

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boob ass

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If bbc is real how come all black men don't just walk around naked to show it off?


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OP is right

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so theres this thing i do at people (usually closer ones like parents or family members) is that when we get into arguments and i feel overwhelmed i stop arguing completely just start hissing/snarling/growling at them to show im mad i swear im like not a “furry” (despite the fact that furries we talk abour are weird people and this is just kinda silly/dumb at most tbh)
so i try to not do this at school but i got pissed off at my classmates anc/d made a little throat sound i tried not to growl/hiss as loud as i do wehn im at home but its a weird compulsion i have i dont really feel like a human when i do it, not really an animal either which is why i feel more comfortable with it i just sorta feel like my own creature, its uh me. i guess. okayermuuwhthanksforreadingyourrwesomebye !!
and ps i genuinely cannt tell if i like shemy/qa/ or shartys /qa/ better so thts why i say things twice like noww if i think its an interesting topic/ cool enough to talk about/raise a discussion about
and this comes pretty naturally for me, like yes i know im doing it but it feels right, like some people throw things when theyre mad, stressed, overwhelmed, overstimulated, or whatever emotion and this is how i show that. just maybe itss a bit more “weird” because im literally imitating animalistic behaviors.


only soyboys and women talk things out, niggers just beat each other and civilised white men engage in contests of strength so you are actually closest to the white man (although a bit more niggerish and soyboyish)


is this supposd to be acompliment


That's alpha wolf behavior


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im shitting more blood than usual today is that normal
the sardines i ate yesterday had a lot of bones in them could they have cut my intestine? kinda worried


at most sardine bones would irritate your throat for a few hours albeit


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idk i ate a lot of them and i could feel them being razor sharp in my mouth

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There is a cat ear accessory


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i will export this as a .vrm because i don't feel like waiting for the guy who posted this to do it.
you can now use her in desktop mate!


and inb4 someone asks "MARGE HOW DO I GET HER INTO DESKTOP MATE", refer to this video


>desktop mate is windows only
fuck this shit lmao can't run it


does she access the home-wifi network?

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dnb of a site shut it down already you niggers
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and you will never be human, subhuman monkey nigger


5’2 mudslime browncel


>sperged out because of TVRKBVLLS once again because xis ancestors got 'aped or something.

GEG westoids are really like this arent they?


what are you going to rape? average turkish man is weaker than the average white woman LOL look it up white women have higher grip strenght than you faggots lmao you aren’t ever raping anyone with your clitties either only kids


We still have İstanbul btw, seethe while yo bitches get 'aped by our bwc

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>hop on jerkmates
>Enemy has a tama image printed and hung up on their wall
Can you please take that down it's making it hard to focus


I just fucked deranked because of this kys

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