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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.222451[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The auction ends on 7 February.

If you are stupid enough to try and purchase a soicuck website, here are the requirements:
- Be able to purchase with crypto. I prefer BTC, XMR or LTC but if you wish to pay with another currency I'll consider it too
- Have a Namecheap account

On sale, you will recieve:
- soygem.party
- basedgem.party

Current bids:
1. bruhmeister993 - 500$
2. Squeak - 375$
3. "piss" - 300$
4. John - 195$
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soygem.party will shut down on the 31st of january.
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Q&A with poly and vadim in 30 minutes

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nvm we back


get in here huzzes


get in here bruzzes


get in


get in

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made a shitty /calm/ tama in 10 minutes since this DNB of a site is dying soon

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Check shemmy.org

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 No.224798[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vsem privet!
as this site is nearing the end me and poly will now be hosting a Q&A as apart of our last public appearances.
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Did he WON?



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>>>225448 (You)


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Is there anything you two regret?

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Previous Thread: https://archive.ph/CrLrn

IAS and NAS dump, Since the QA merge happened, both IAS and NAS can now be posted (It still has to be made here on the shemmy like pic rel)
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we're all repressed faggots here


i don't repress it


it's a mental illness just repress it if you don't want it to end badly


i don't see a reason to



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i dont care if you dont care im just gonna say i want to own/make an imageboard specifically for “immigrants “
likei want to make something like the sharty, (4chan even but the sharty is a better comparison because its not even that big and i dont expect my idea to go that far yk)
so basically it would be kike the sharty, except ill have a tiktok/discord userbase so itll be like a no sign in discord server if you wanna call it thtat except it wont be rulecucked and you have freedom, like the sharty, (and haveing some elements passed on by the sharty like namfagging slang humor etc whatever)
so like you can say the n word you can be edgy without judgment (well i cant really promise that but all i know is that its gonna either be a freely toxic community or they end up being really nice to each other and it all works out and we wal,k into the sunset together who knows)
plus i really wanted to decorate an imageboard i already love the formatting so much only if i could make it better.
there would be boards specifically for each fandom, like for example uhmmmm homestuck is /hs/ object shows are /osc/ and roblox is /rblx/ ETC ETC. you get the idea. +a ton of decorations bcause i want that dont ask and dont complain
thats kind of it (i think) never really planned to make ithappen any time soon but okbye
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>125 dollaas for an imageboard my ass thought it was free of charge
For a cheap domain and servers, it should only be around or less than $30USD/year. I'm just talking about bidding on the Shemmy domain.
>idk who taht is im unfamiliar butyes
Oh sorry, I thought you and Lettuce were the same in the Schlog.
>also rules like no ip leaking for jannies, mayb the mpa feature so theres no p or rul e breakers but at the same time that feature is annoying as fuck so idk
sounds good


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wwhos lettuce
ohh yeah sure thats quite inexpensive


Just go on https://blog.soyjak.st/threads/soyfannin%E2%80%99.14318/ and you'll find him. He has the same exact typing style and interests as you, that's why I got confused.


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jsut,m checked mm not really ..


grrrr i wnat ts so bad myself

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Leak 225495's full address instead so we can gangrape her


Tf is this supposed to represent? this just looks like you took some OC off of shitter and slapped a random jak from your folder onto it
actually now that I think about it, that literally is every "SOYTAN KILLER!!111!!" produced by nusois besides like one, but that was made by a reddit immigrant coomer anyway so it may as well be on the same level as all the others


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oh, so its just another faggot lying about their dreams to force a meme again


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s a fuckin phnirsavagebeldwwe ia

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Alright, which one of you did this?


that's literally just you


What do you mean? I didn't make that soybooru post and some obsessed shoaly here is still obsessing over my past affiliations with the most rulecucked splinter ever, which I have recently decided to discard


did da shoaly make you join pedo groomcords too? gimme a break
as far as rulecucking shemmy still mogs the shitty


Bruh it's a shemmy telegram bunker that poly and dodder are on
I've never used any soyc0rd in my life. Trust me.

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Looks like your time has come, but do not worry! The Soyjak Blog will take you with open arms! Register today: https://blog.soyjak.st
>/incel/ ('cord drama)
>/lgbt/ - Hidden board, spam email DOLL for access.
>And many other boards for you to check out!
Erm, but I got banned there for X reason!
Unless you're a foodist pedo, just rejoin it!
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forums aren't reddit



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Have any of you joined the Schlog yet? Actually, the reason why I'm shilling so hard is that I messaged Froot on Discord to ask if he could unban me from the Schlog, he stated that if I got at least three users to join it by Feb 1st, he'd give me the holy "Froot Pardon", evendoe I've done le crime of Discord.
I think it still counts if you've been rejected, but I just need proof and the deadline is coming close D:


bro is NOT getting unbanned 💀💀💀💀💀


It's over. Froot is the only one who trumps Doll. No one joined.

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new tama
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i feel bad but shes cute enough where she doesn't turn me off even with the diaper


why are you like this


why does she have a penis?


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just a lil trolling


i wish

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>claiming you are a femcel le good even doe that means you need a man which means you aren't a strong women who needs no man

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