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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.222451[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The auction ends on 7 February.

If you are stupid enough to try and purchase a soicuck website, here are the requirements:
- Be able to purchase with crypto. I prefer BTC, XMR or LTC but if you wish to pay with another currency I'll consider it too
- Have a Namecheap account

On sale, you will recieve:
- soygem.party
- basedgem.party

Current bids:
1. bruhmeister993 - 500$
2. Squeak - 375$
3. "piss" - 300$
4. John - 195$
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soygem.party will shut down on the 31st of january.


Please make sure to archive any content you'd like to keep, especially OCs. The Shemmy booru will remain online even after the shutdown, so feel free to upload your files there.

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oh, so its just another faggot lying about their dreams to force a meme again



yeah but suba is built for bbc and shes making all the rapeable nusoicacas seethe so shes a gem


this, fucking stupid sharty witch
>add a supersage option
i will literally RAPE the fuck out of you until you become a shemmycuck like us you'll get th shemmy correction whore


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>i woke up like 5 minutes ago and i have not used the sharty in like 6 months but i just had a dream about being trapped in the sharty with this girl called suba like "Yotsuba" but anyway she was the website personified and she said nigger alot i can't remember more than that but here is what she looked like

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is THIS your card?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


i think that cat in the is this your card video is a taxidermy or something. it doesnt blink.


>azumanga pfp
why is poly such a tranny faggot?


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>azumanga pfp
why is poly such an aryan straggot?


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i dont care if you dont care im just gonna say i want to own/make an imageboard specifically for “immigrants “
likei want to make something like the sharty, (4chan even but the sharty is a better comparison because its not even that big and i dont expect my idea to go that far yk)
so basically it would be kike the sharty, except ill have a tiktok/discord userbase so itll be like a no sign in discord server if you wanna call it thtat except it wont be rulecucked and you have freedom, like the sharty, (and haveing some elements passed on by the sharty like namfagging slang humor etc whatever)
so like you can say the n word you can be edgy without judgment (well i cant really promise that but all i know is that its gonna either be a freely toxic community or they end up being really nice to each other and it all works out and we wal,k into the sunset together who knows)
plus i really wanted to decorate an imageboard i already love the formatting so much only if i could make it better.
there would be boards specifically for each fandom, like for example uhmmmm homestuck is /hs/ object shows are /osc/ and roblox is /rblx/ ETC ETC. you get the idea. +a ton of decorations bcause i want that dont ask and dont complain
thats kind of it (i think) never really planned to make ithappen any time soon but okbye
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i want to plap both of them and lick their armpits and force them to lick my stinky smegma then I'd piss on them


Feel free to do that to Lettuce, but not le wholesome Teacake.


so you want to make a 'cord cabal to groom normies into being soyteens? i guess…?


Based, target pooners.


everyone ITT is a gigachad except OP and that filthy immigrant Redditor, both of them are filthy immigrants that make me glad the shemmy is shutting down because i dont want to share a space with them and want to rape them until both are fertilized because of how obnoxious they are

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neil will be 50 soon enough. then 60. this is because time passes!

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might aswell move to the swinny


nobody’s coming on your website just like nobody has come on your website in the last year

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this will all be us when this site shuts down btw


neil cicierega


numbers! of the quad. sweet

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 No.224798[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vsem privet!
as this site is nearing the end me and poly will now be hosting a Q&A as apart of our last public appearances.
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>>>225448 (You)


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Is there anything you two regret?


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what a dead teenager chink attention seeking of a website thats AAACCCKKKing soon

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and on the last day; the death rattle becomes apparent, the ones who never posted, act as if they cared and nurtured the site in its last dying breath, the people never cared or posted; letting it sink into the sand, feeling bad for the death, now act as if they cared and loved the site. this is ye fate.

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the jarty, of what we hath became in the desperation to make away with the sharty shithole; stuck posting saddeningly depressing one reply threads while thou compatriots even if nusoifaggots and xittercucks mockingly laugh while looking upon the dead nigger baby sites of dead nigger baby sites, rotting in decay as doth thou PPH: we look at our site ye dead and coaly and act as if we are gemmy, we become a less porn addicted jakparty.soy. The golden age of our existence long behind us; stuck in three day old threads that blind us to the vampiric PPH of the shemmy, while powerful men in charge care not about reviving the site.
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upping this trvke




Fuck the shitty


all the things you said all the things you said running through my head running through my head



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>'p up for 7 minutes
wtf jannies





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 No.206966[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Bitch ass nigga


can you draw kikemin naked


draw lorenzo and quote cuddling


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I'm not doing that shit. Sage


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made a shitty /calm/ tama in 10 minutes since this DNB of a site is dying soon




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