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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.222451[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The auction ends on 7 February.

If you are stupid enough to try and purchase a soicuck website, here are the requirements:
- Be able to purchase with crypto. I prefer BTC, XMR or LTC but if you wish to pay with another currency I'll consider it too
- Have a Namecheap account

On sale, you will recieve:
- soygem.party
- basedgem.party

Current bids:
1. "piss" - 300$
2. John - 195$
3. PepenozKidd - 190$
4. Squeak - 180$
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soygem.party will shut down on the 31st of january.


Please make sure to archive any content you'd like to keep, especially OCs. The Shemmy booru will remain online even after the shutdown, so feel free to upload your files there.

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skinny ass arms


those are skinnier than mine and that is saying something
does he have a disorder?



no. neil is just like that


im serious btw he said so

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If the shemmy goes down and none of us buys it, where are we going? (I hope it stays up)

A. sharty/schlog
B. swinny (swedishwin)
C. tumblr community
D. soygem bunker site
E. other (write in comments)

I think the site will be able to stay up through the auction, but we need a backup plan in case it doesn't.
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yes shemmycuck, having two dolls as admin would've saved the site as the second doll will have cancelled out all the bad things about doll. you should've learnt this in math class


you make a good point, btw when is the next erp sesh on the abdlcord?


we're actually making the abdlcord public to everyone and having a goonsesh with the entire soysphere on the day this website shuts down


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I think I know of a site…


I'm going to the Tumblr community, leftychan, or outside.

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the rumor i wanna fuck my mom is actually a FLVSE NVKE by the way
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>The obviously false claims against an aryan king who can do absolutely no wrong are false claims spread by jewish kikes
Understood, squeakARYANGOD, I'll sacrifice more newborns to your shrine at approximately 3 am for people spreading such lies!


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And I'll choke on lots of BBCs just like you do, king



everybody says this and does this


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thats aryan chillyoedo

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last month ago archive is up
might get another under a subdomain

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Just go to CHADmin's chinny when thats back up no need to keep this shithole alive kek
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Not me, obsessed!
Adfe wasn't rulecucked even when he wasn't busy because he extremely valued his precious janny position and didn't want to get demopped


>he valued his precious janny position that's why he quit 2 times


He's right though, she didn't want to stop ERPing with Woot.


that's aryan serbcuck



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>eat your nearly zero calorie vegetables to grow up big and strong
>no its not just propaganda by feminists because we women are too lazy to order mcdonalds and pizza hut everyday eating (((healthy))) will really make you taller


are you straight


antisemitic brimstone

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>flirting with women by saying if they play league they'd probably be at least plat

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>you like kissing blacks don't you?
>you're a blackkisser!

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does anyone have those nate tiktok edits?
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found more
still looking for miss circle one




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this is just five minutes of fucking e-sex

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>flirting with people by saying you'd look pretty cute with paws


nobody cares 💀

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i did NOT expect to outlive the shemmy
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get in u selfish fux


I no wanna register an account doe




get in u selfish fux


stop banning people for trolling, only ban people for bmt/discord

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>flirting with men by saying they remind you of lemon demon but not so much it's weird

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aryan asf and has soyjak threads from 2021


just aryan asf
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literally incomprehensible




the swinny?


nobody is going there


this, i checked it out a while ago and they spoke about the "shemmy immigrants" like anyone would actually go there lmao they can only dream of anyone using their site

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