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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Tomorrow, January 22nd. Will be the anniversary of the shemmy!


cytube tmw after svvt qna
more info about tmw coming later
post emotes you want itt1
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i'm joining fr fr

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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

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this nigga got banned for rule 3. lets talk here
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cp is legal in russia so he doesnt need to


Nuke eastern europe


none of them are uttp they're newgens who don't understand or follow the uttp praxis kek


wait so one guy is the 'p spammer? really? i find that really hard to believe, isnt it some vietnamese guy who got datamined by a wordpress blog back in like 2015?
are you talking about that one ESL guy who once said on the sharty around 8,5M on /soy/ something like
>"BMT was oldsharty soot culture, it scared normies away from the site"
then got banned by a yellow capcode mod?


>ziggers are CP spammers
Average ruski. Not surprised.

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>all men are kings despite the fact that women don't go "oh wow he's a bachelor, gotta get me a piece of that ass" like they do with actual princes because um i'm a retarded femboy incel and it doesn't matter if a guy is a prince or not to me what matters is he's a tall guy who lifts
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i didn't reply to 214275 meds
kill yourself pedophile


They are trannies and all trannies are ugly and disgusting


I have no idea what OP is saying and I don't get how this femboy/tranny trend even started.


tsmt ive never heard of the word femboy before 2018


I actually meant the discussions about this stuff for the past few days on here but yeah, that too.

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>still dead


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3 pph is oldshemmy culture you uncultured newfag

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look at this dog
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all this shits so marge


fucking newfag die out



Discord thread.



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is he half blender too cause im gonna chuck that little shit in one




bo was part of homercord actually so its okay to chuck him in a blender because hes a disgusting pedophile


homer looks so happy


Comfy, bvmo.

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gemmy nuvariant

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>What kind of retarded incel do you need to be to think i'm not marrying for love i'm marrying for money? Chad is 6'7, has a big penis and liked the barbie movie of course i love him.


that looks like a cartoon cat i don’t believe it would marry an human


hmofa is real cause furries are way more likely to be extremely buff (a.k.a chuds)


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lol ok

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>j.k rowling le good despite the fact that a) she's a billionaire and b) she's transphobic so she's a communist caricature


Jk rowling is a radical leftist feminist libtard the only thing she dislikes are trannies before she made her hate for trannies public she was literally known as that one retarded leftist sjw who retconned all of her book’s characters into being brown or gay

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>racism bad despite the fact that earth's black people call us "retarded space wypepo" and also think its cool to commit crime

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knife edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on:

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>>>/qa/ now only has 10 pages


soyjak.party links to the booru now


It's now changed back???




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today is the 1st aniversary of the shemmy. "aniversary" is now the default theme of the site

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>calling your enemies pissbabies good despite the fact that bedwetting past normal ages is a sign of being a serial killer who women are attracted too so you are calling your enemy a chad

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Brittle chink iron but TND-adjacent 'doebeit


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is there a point or is it just porn


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>Expecting any point or stance from gooners


kill niggers and anime is anti white pedophilic slop + furries are better + ratio

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