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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.222451[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The auction ends on 7 February.

If you are stupid enough to try and purchase a soicuck website, here are the requirements:
- Be able to purchase with crypto. I prefer BTC, XMR or LTC but if you wish to pay with another currency I'll consider it too
- Have a Namecheap account

On sale, you will recieve:
- soygem.party
- basedgem.party

Current bids:
1. bruhmeister993 - 500$
2. Squeak - 375$
3. "piss" - 300$
4. John - 195$
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nigga is going to take the money and run away

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soygem.party will shut down on the 31st of january.


Please make sure to archive any content you'd like to keep, especially OCs. The Shemmy booru will remain online even after the shutdown, so feel free to upload your files there.

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wake me up when its alive


you are going to sleep forever


it's alive

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baby maui

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>2 more days
is it, over now?


Se acabo


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i dont care if you dont care im just gonna say i want to own/make an imageboard specifically for “immigrants “
likei want to make something like the sharty, (4chan even but the sharty is a better comparison because its not even that big and i dont expect my idea to go that far yk)
so basically it would be kike the sharty, except ill have a tiktok/discord userbase so itll be like a no sign in discord server if you wanna call it thtat except it wont be rulecucked and you have freedom, like the sharty, (and haveing some elements passed on by the sharty like namfagging slang humor etc whatever)
so like you can say the n word you can be edgy without judgment (well i cant really promise that but all i know is that its gonna either be a freely toxic community or they end up being really nice to each other and it all works out and we wal,k into the sunset together who knows)
plus i really wanted to decorate an imageboard i already love the formatting so much only if i could make it better.
there would be boards specifically for each fandom, like for example uhmmmm homestuck is /hs/ object shows are /osc/ and roblox is /rblx/ ETC ETC. you get the idea. +a ton of decorations bcause i want that dont ask and dont complain
thats kind of it (i think) never really planned to make ithappen any time soon but okbye
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>>>225562 (You)
>I've always been here, they literally gave me two accounts and none of them worked, so I had to wait until they turned off Bidenflare 💀


i lost my accounts because i triggered jannies


>breeding fetish
BITCH it came built IN with your sex drive




i lost all 10 of my accounts because i emailed them all to quote so he could spam

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squeakerbros…… it didnt turn out so good did it…..


no it dident


he won lol

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Looks like your time has come, but do not worry! The Soyjak Blog will take you with open arms! Register today: https://blog.soyjak.st
>/incel/ ('cord drama)
>/lgbt/ - Hidden board, spam email DOLL for access.
>And many other boards for you to check out!
Erm, but I got banned there for X reason!
Unless you're a foodist pedo, just rejoin it!
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nobody is joining your shit site lol


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insane damage control after NOBODY joined. "i wasnt serious, my cat walked on my keyboard!" ahh moment
if the shemmy only has trannies like OP who cant even ban evade and suck troon dick, it's a good thing it's finally dead kek!


Nah, I want them to join and coal it up, I just lied about the Frootcord thing. I'm going to actually ask him doe just out of curiosity.


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1. nobody is joining datamining nusoitranny redditfarms
2. see 1


I only want the trannies to join, so no loss of they get datamined.

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helltaker won btw
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Soybooru namefag. I've reposted shemmy art there


they block like 10 vpn ips just use anything that isn’t free protonvpn (albeit i can still post with some free proton ips)


honestly i think when shemmy gets shut down if swinny stays a dead nigger im gonna go back to raiding twitch streams, maybe ill make a shitty larp group like with sdf even doe its literally who


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>stealing our gems to post them on the cia datamining honeypot with google fucking ads


But I try to credit the original artist and I wasn't fully aware of shembooru when I first added them in. I'll upload to the gemuseum soon
Also this place used datamining MitMs as well kek

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its over
(it wont let me embed it i swear its not 'p)

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get in here bruzzes


get in


get in


we still in here



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At what point will we admit that bury pink is shemmy culture, kino and better than shittan/tama ever were? Also kek at bury pink outliving this site, yall were wild for seething about the gemmiest girl ever and the queen of /qa/ like six months ago bruh


jaika won
s4s won
nicefigs won
obsessed shemmy trannies lost


Kek, it's kino!


>no dubs in this thread


i love trans girls so much its unreal


kill yourself immediately

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does anybody have these straight gemeralds from a few months ago?
i can only find shitty thumbnail versions on the archive
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do you have it thoughbeit


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no i only have it on my phone because thats what i draw with and i havent really drawn anything outside of those shitty low effort Oekaki tndchans that were mostly just to help me practice anatomy, besides from this: but i drew this randomly at like 2 am


last time i actually drew something was literally half a year ago


thanks, i was the one who made the template but i lost it

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can some oldCHAD repost koreatan just one more time…..

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lol shemmypedo
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if only
i wish


nuke shartyfujo's house


you hate her because you wish you were her


This is why Froot is the best Sharty admin


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>>>225736 (OP)
>This is why Froot is the best Sharty admin

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