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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.222451[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The auction ends on 7 February.

If you are stupid enough to try and purchase a soicuck website, here are the requirements:
- Be able to purchase with crypto. I prefer BTC, XMR or LTC but if you wish to pay with another currency I'll consider it too
- Have a Namecheap account

On sale, you will recieve:
- soygem.party
- basedgem.party

Current bids:
1. bruhmeister993 - 500$
2. Squeak - 375$
3. "piss" - 300$
4. John - 195$
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soygem.party will shut down on the 31st of january.
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Q&A with poly and vadim in 30 minutes

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i i think im sickifeela littlesick im sick im sick it feelssogrossi feel like imgobna throw up any moment i feel sick im a lirtle sick imm feeling so sick i feel dizzy
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stfu submissive femboy, ill fucking rape your guts open and ill fertilize you so bad youre gonna be FORCED to get pregnant




You won't do shit, girl. You'd be too scared to attempt anything, and so I would easily overpower you and grope your sexy skinny body and lick your sweet ears and cheeks, then I'd impregnate you so hard you'd never forget it. You'd live in my basement and I'd impregnate you every year until you're no longer fertile. So fucking hot, I'm rock hard as I type this and your attempts to deny my love are making me even harder.



built for big fernafloo cock btw


can i join? why do all foids need rape correction so badly its like theyre begging for it whenever they post online, i wanna doxx any woman that makes contact with me just so i can go fly to her place and rape her

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 No.224798[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vsem privet!
as this site is nearing the end me and poly will now be hosting a Q&A as apart of our last public appearances.
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Where will you go after the shutting down?


It shuts down in Friday.
Yep. Vadim went to sleep. I still haven't for whatever reason.
I'm not sure. Porch owns that site and I do try to moderate it from time to time.
I'm not sure about this either. Maybe outside because it's cooler than the shemmy.


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can we procreate? men mog foids theyre so insufferable and annoying


What was the most stressfull point this site brought you to?


Ever since I joined the shemmy, it was nothing but constant drama, even my first day. I tried to leave after the Red allegations dropped because nobody trusted me but Vadim convinced me to stay and told everyone I wasn't the Discord tranny. If it weren't for me joining in the most stressful era of the shemmy, I think I'd stay, but Quote has been on a constant obsession ever since and uses excuses like "he hurt my feelings that one time" to botnet and DDoS the site and will always find a way around whatever I placed against him. I consider myself a novice in this whole field anyways so that made it moar stressful than anything but I still learned some stuff while working on the shemmy.

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i want to have sex with that pinwheel


Imagine meeting OP in a dark alley? I wouldn't control myself, I would feel a strong desire to grab her by her arm and lick her ears and cheeks, then I'd force her to kiss me and unzip my pants, then I'd force her to suck my throbbing cock and I'd break her jaw with a few punches if she dare bite me. After I'm done with fucking her throat, I'll take off her clothes and rape her asshole as hard as I can while she cries and begs me to stop, but I won't stop until I cum and I'll keep going when I do until I cum again because OP is built to be a rapist's sex doll. She is so built for non-consensual touching and sex.
After I'm done, I'll walk away as if nothing happened while she lies on the ground with her bruised body exposed. So hot.


chinnyshits, this is your admin


op needs rape correction

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svvt is having the time of his life with the static pages.


add a trans page which sends hrt packages to a random poster

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Are you looking for a great place to migrate to?

The Nutty is here for you!


Only the nuttiest niggas can post on Squirrel Party.

No pedos allowed.
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this happens every time squeaker posts


crazy how despite squirrelcord's constant necrobumping of this thread there's NOBODY posting on their gay website


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>crazy how despite squirrelcord's constant necrobumping of this thread there's NOBODY posting on their gay website

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 No.210477[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

knife edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on:

Try to keep these to a minimum: Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting
>PPH trackers: https://marge.moe/ https://soygem.party/stats.php https://soyjak.link/
>Archive gemmy threads: https://archive.is https://ghostarchive.org https://megalodon.jp/
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new board >>>/fnf/




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svvt is organizing an auction for the soygem.party domain. it will end on february 7h


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poly and vadim hosted a their last qna today


>dividing months into hours instead of days

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ITT: YOU try your best to draw a Tama!
This is a competition for all non-drawfags to try their best at drawing Tama in a wholesome, cute, sexy, or normal way. NO DRAWINGS OF TAMA BEING HURT.
-You MUST have an email in the email field so I can send you the egift card if you win.
-No talented drawfags, sorry. I don't want ez wins.
-Must be in the USA or Canada. On the egift card it doesn't say anything about country restrictions but I'm not risking it (if you don't live in those countries, participate at your own risk).
-You cannot be a Sharty, Swinny, or Schlog offsiter. You have to be a ShemARYAN main or other irrelevant splinter user to participate. Xitter, TikTok, and SPVA offsiters welcome.
-You must be 16+ to participate.
It can be a simple Oekaki sketch, a doodle on MS PAINT, or a photo of a drawing made on paper. The deadline is January 30th, 5:48 PM EST or something.
>dats not enough time for my masterpiece!
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Do u have an email liked, as if no one else participates you'll be the winner and earn the prize.


I didn't even draw that it was a serbshit who deleted it in like 2 minutes, I just reposted his drawing


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Aw :(
I guess I'm keeping the prize to myself, I haven't even played Roblox in four months.


I haven't played roblox in 4 years kek


Roblox babes got boobs now it's so cool bro

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Your choices don't matter.


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If the shemmy goes down and none of us buys it, where are we going? (I hope it stays up)

A. sharty/schlog
B. swinny (swedishwin)
C. tumblr community
D. soygem bunker site
E. other (write in comments)

I think the site will be able to stay up through the auction, but we need a backup plan in case it doesn't.
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Superstraight ahh Aryan


I second this


where are we going when the site goes down?
is the person buying it committing to keeping it up?


no because the nigga who will buy it is either quote to make the domain a blacked.com redirect or a 12 year old pajeet who cant code
anyway some shemmycucks are using leftchan.net as a bunker


i meant to write leftychan
its an alright website
there are like a gorilion possible bunkers for shemalies

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aged like wine

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what a dead nigger baby of a cytube


we're all in here, get in


it's dead


>6 users
shut it down


get in its lit

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Shempatriot, the true succesor to preserve shemmy’s userbase and culture in one place is finally here. The shemrefuge telegram!

As the swinny telegram shows us, soysphere GCs aren’t inherently a bad idea, its just that all of them are operated by malicious actors. With my shemrefuge GC, i’ll rule against degenerates that swamp our communities and make a sane place to gather void of weirdopedosadists just as the official swinny telegram is - only difference is that it would be inhabited by shemmy users adhering to our culture as opposed to theirs. Instant messaging is a fun format that’ll let us approach our convos, banter and shitposting in new ways.

The gram is set to manual vetting and everyone entering will have to provide screencaps of their recent postings on the shemmy, unless i already know you. Image, video and link embeds are disabled HOWEVER this will cease to be the case once it’s for certain that everyone we have in is trustable. Though those i know will have their perms from the get go.


It’s just getting started.
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TSMT, never make any posts on 4cuck that you wouldnt want your kids reading or put next to your name. Same goes for any fully archived imageboard albeit


Nobody is joining ts (this shit) 😭😭😭😭😭😭


telegram glows brighter than the sun



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