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/sgp/ - soygem.party

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/qa/ is my ridge (ja)

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>'log is 99% janny samefag
>someones says "lul site is janny namefaging"


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sharty filename


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>sharty filename


sharty filename
<flod09 o de lol olololol


im not a janjan doe


me neither


when was the last raid or fun community event
das rite site is dead


yeah we’re trans lol




I'm not a janny thoughever


only reason anyone still uses this shit site is because soyshit.party is 4chan 2 and jarty isn't active enough


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>only reason anyone still uses this shit site is because soyshit.party is 4chan 2 and jarty isn't active enough


lowkey tsmt


sharty filename
site was dead when svvt sold it off
i would rather have a admin who does nothing than one who fucks everything up and deletes boards with months of history just for
when they weren't even on /qa/


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>thread for complaining earlier
>nobody uses it
>complains now


What I don’t understand is how you can be so addicted to complaining. Is it autism? Is it fun to you? Do you like baiting replies? Do you actually believe in what you are saying


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i don't like seeing the only good imageboard i've been on be turned into shit
also complaining is fun lul


your complaints are retarded and boils down to whining about things nobody cares about


explain why /soy/ was deleted
was that not retarded, was there a good reason for that


Fair enough, But I love this website. It’s my favorite website, and will remain so if it stays this free


I think you replied to the wrong person lul


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/soy/ had no reason to exist because NAS was fully allowed on it anyways. It was a good call and I like the change so far.


Nope, the right person


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it had over 200k posts, if you really wanna do teh heckin' epic larp just rename it too /qa/ and keep the post count.
also, the change has done nothing but shit up the main board's 'log with garbage


squeaker above^


also if it was a good call then why has pph plummeted
I was looking at around 2pm or so and there were posts from 5 hours ago on page 1, that'd never happen on /soy/ in those hours


Those posts are gems wdym


1. I didn't agree with resetting the post count but numbers don't matter anyways.
2. The 'log was already garbage before the merge


pph was abysmal before the merge as well


do you niggas want a coal police or what


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ohhhh i'm nutting holy shit


>>2693 (You)
1. numbers are cool and i like them so you have to like them too
2. true, it was a problem but i think the merge has made it worse.
>>2692 (You)
it's nonsense
>>2694 (You)
as a result of lee allowing people to shit up /soy/. I don't care if its IAS or NAS i don't like seeing every post spammed
>>2695 (You)
if coal police means spam gets deleted i guess so


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>this thread


sharty filename lul


>as a result of lee allowing people to shit up /soy/. I don't care if its IAS or NAS i don't like seeing every post spammed
svvt did that


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>>>15265 (You)
>sharty filename lul


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t. >>14518


I don't remember it being nearly as bad when svvt was incharge and he barely did shit


thanks for restating the obvious


>I don't remember it being nearly as bad when svvt was incharge and he barely did shit
Rose tinted glasses. Random brimstone spamming on /soy/ has been a thing since february


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ok stuckbro
if you were admin what would you change


new leno world order.


I've been here since February. It might've been a bit shitty back then too but I still don't think it was spammed to the extent it is now
not homestuckfag but;
>bring /soy/ back
>get rid of the mymyspammer and nonsensefag
>pin some soysphere generals, they were always nice
>for the most part fuck off leaving the community to its own devices




im not trying to become admin. It'd be nice but i don't have enough freetime (except for when im up at 2am complaining about shit everybody cares about)


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>ban people I don't like


if you brought /soy/ back would you keep /qa/ so as to treat /qa/ as a containment board again
or would you lock /qa/


they contribute nothing good to the website
actually shit that'd be way better. Just move the mymyspammer and nonsensefag to /qa/


>pin more tranny threads
lol lmao even


who's the nonsense guy again


delete /qa/
bring back /b/ with thread limit


kys y*ji


he doesn't namefag so i just call him nonsensefag
I think it'd be helpful to engage with the site's userbase in such ways
yeji don't post daisy's destruction again plz k thx


this dude >>15199


show me examples of his posts doe


that's the /qa/ schizo though why would you want to get rid of him


pretty much >>15199
>random images
>nonsensical text
on second thought banning him would be a bit gay, leaving him to /qa/ after /soy/ is reopened would be a good alternative


>ITT: shit NOBODY fucking cares about


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nobody cares bruh


as everybody i can confirm i care


biden filename


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>>ITT: shit NOBODY fucking cares about
>nobody cares bruh


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>ITT: not a single individual who would survive /qa/


>people start to agree with me
>immediately Lee Defense Force shuts it down
nahhhhh samefags from ohio


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I'll add /co/ because so much of the soysphere is /co/-adjacent(sneed is from a cartoon, leebait is from a cartoon, zellig is a cartoon, soyjaks are cartoon drawings)
I'll add /fe/ which is to be exclusively used by foids
I'll add /ae/ for aesthetic posting
I will ban the usage of the letter "th", everyone will have to replace dat with "d"
I'll add a new feature - Typingquirkfagging. It'll be a window where you can replace certain strings of letters with another string of letters, and when you hit post, the text in that post will automatically follow those string replacements.
I will also make the whole website pitch black

Actually I won't change anything because I don't care and I'll sell the website to my good buddy eric


kys foodist pedo


not horrible


projecting shitalalalalalalian


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y*ji lives rent-free in your head. he fucking won lel


>child porn poster won
.. uhm samefags?


why do you think i am him?


the people against my truth and logic are now saying 'p spammer y*ji won……. says alot about our society


schizo samefag thread


>>2709 >>2714
which one makes more sense doe


can i have a detailed biography written about y*ji since you are all so obsessed about him?


i liked it better when we seethed about doll
can we at least try doxing this y*ji guy


banning mymyspammer and /qa/ schizo (and-or nonsensefag) is a bit to rulecucked, even for me. They'll just be restriced to /qa/
oh hi lee


He's gone now, I think he was banned last week or so


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why are samefags so afraid of what im saying


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the marty NEVER has this much drama, I think imma stay there


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no arrow


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You're all causing a shitfest over nothing


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Admit it. You miss him.


no arrow


>clipboardimage.png spammers
>sage posters
>obvious slide threads


entire thread is 2 people samefaggin…


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Obviously my decisions to add boards nobody will use have much more reason to them. Typingquirkfagging could bring a new type of shitposting. It'll be like word filtering yourself if you add whole words into the letter string replacer.
And making the whole website pitch black would make it like a fun puzzle game. Select the text in order to be able to read it!


obsessed thread lol


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why are the post counts different?


some spam was wiped i think

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