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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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I want to walk around on a nice spring day. However it is winter. I dont like winter. It's too cold.


wear a jacket vro

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20 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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I goon to blacked porn


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You fool, anyone with two brain cells can recognize that my filenames are unix filenames where as your's are copy and paste. Checkmate, incel.

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this is nice bioard

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Do you guys ever read books? You should read a book.


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(17FtM) will make this as short as possible, I was on a ukrainian subreddit about relationship, intimate and sex advice, gays and lesbians are VERY accepted on it, no homophobia at all, people talk freely about their homosexuality, but when I, with no explicit language just asked where can I find dates as a trans guy teen, or any lgbt forums in ukraine, my post not only got deleted, but I also got only weird or hate comments like "are you bulked up?" (Mentioned having muscles, don't have to ask twice) "Disgusting" etc.
12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


It has some context as to why he missed early churro and posted on the Shemmy instead


imperator loves lviv though he sucks him off on the schlog


He hated him back then


He accused him of being a pedo, he accused everybody of being a pedo


sounds pretty aryan tbh

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I plan on going to college to get a job that wont hurt my back. ALso i will die one day

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to marie ann,
to steely dan,
i think i heard a running tram
quarter to nine,
running out of time,
i need a little lemon and lime,
to marie ann,
to steely dan,
i think i heard a running TRAM!!!!!

P.S. do you guys like school? i do! it is good.


Hell naw he's a shemmycuck now

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So I'm from Ukraine, am soon to finish school, and am(obviously) closeted from pretty much everyone but some close people + online friends. I've been planning out to get out of here while I still can, since over the age of 18 amab persons are not allowed to leave the country during the state of war. The best possibility I have is acquiring a tuition in Czechia, not only because languages I know(Ukrainian, Russian and English all fluently) as my mother tongue are extremely similar and easy to transfer the knowledge from, but also because its the most progressive Eastern/Central EU country there is. Its a safe place, economically stable and overall just very pleasant looking. My plan is to aim for Prague, but from what I've seen and read so far - it's rather mixed in terms of LGBT+ stuff. Some people say it's rather okay, some say not so good and some declare it famously one of the safest places for LGBTQIA members. I am incredibly lost on the feedback, but both legally and socially it's way better than Ukraine. Could I get some locals/people who moved there's opinions on this?

P.S. - I already know some doctors who are best to be visited to acquire HRT and documents required for it, my main concern is social acceptance. How would it play out if I were to start my transition while still in Uni? I, of course, am also looking at other places I could go to after 1 year and potentially a very good portfolio like Canada and Cuba. But if I were to stay, I really want to know what I'm getting myself into.


tldr but that's aryan shemmycuck


i saw that fail


shemmycuck filter because they wnbaw


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they won

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I love nature and the outdoors. Do you guys look forward to this coming spring? I sure do!



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>farting shit
>Instead of farting, you fart of course, but you shit.
>Telamon tried to fart like a boss, but he farting shit himself.

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