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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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>Be a simple kind of man

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leak some moar janny
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ask her to post her ass


she said no


Hi angeleno


another day another migraine


ywnbaw lviv

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shoallytroons that are just now waking up be like


Good thread.


Crying is hyperborean.




That's aryan shemmychuck

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>I'm going to respond to you just this once to post a reality check for you, who clearly is several dozen screws loose of a functioning brain.

>You haven't stopped me. You haven't stopped anyone making SW or M/f content. We're all continuing on making what we want and have fans who enjoy what we produce. All you're doing is waging a pointless, one-man war because you clearly have so little going on in your life that you have to keep wasting your time making new accounts everytime the last one gets blocked and your posts deleted, and you've been doing this for almost 2 years now, all for a subject matter that has no effect or impact on you. All you're making us realize is what a pathetic dunce you really are.


ill prob soyquote some seethes i got on Deviantart


Kek, it's kino!


Do this


Chadswork won.


Why is coswork so brown

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does anyone else unironically miss the comfy pph
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this qeq


comfy is a nice word for dead and boring


that's aryan shemmycuck


go back


me and serbrap been on this shit weeks before you did lil nigga 💀

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New gem, kiwicucks BTFO

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Bluds will say "why does nobody write funny soyquoted no more, soy culture is dead" then ignore every green text thread and bump a dozen bait and drama shit posts


that's aryan shemmycuck


Kys ninnyfail


truck nuck

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cqswqrk wqn
totenfails lost


Kek its kino


Trvke albeit you're probably a totenshitter trying to make your discord relevant


even doe were laughing at them not with them


meds nigga 💀


Schfifty Five


The gem that saved the ninny


he can count all the way to schifty five

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How 2 cope with da fakt that sexy mares vvill neva hug me lik diz
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Literal who namefag




Gas newkikes


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you probably joined in the time i was gone

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Oh I'm a coswork freak…
cause I'm a cock vore freak
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Yea Coswork you are awesome, you are the best poster


just does okay


kys copycat


those who know button >>>>


Great minds think alike doebeit

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i honestly think making /qa/ the main board was the right choice nobody actually cared enough to stay within /soy/s theme so yes big ups man

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Ban the chinnycucks because they are in totencord and spam animal gore on the ninny.
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yea i knew it was some satan larp reference but it wasnt as fun when i realised it wasn't really a joke and the sinistercucks were serious about being into that stuff, and it stopped being funny after the chinny died after all


They also actively lurk this place.


they're underage larpers who want the attention their parents never gave to them when they were younger


They're obsessed with shemmyGODS


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Can you please tell me why woot closed chudpol.ru? I thought he was re-doing it, but apparently he gave up, why is this?
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kys trips stealing twitter immigrant


She is so attractive doe…


'till I go numb


that's aryan shemmycuck


reasonable take

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Sometimes, I wonder what life would be look had I done things differently.
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Im Trans Btw




Fuck Off Cracker


>IP: Belgrade, Trinidad and Tobago


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