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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Have you ever wanted to say Mymy riding Soytan's futa cock? Now you can for a limited time only before jannies delete the thread!


^burundian ip

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>they merged it again


aryan af btw


totentroon coal


File: 1735563655170.gif (543.99 KB, 600x600, hallucinated it again awar….gif)

>totentroon coal


^op is a pedophile discord using jartycuck

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shemmySCHOLARS, please redpill me on the ninny aka nu-qaculture.org
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it has 4 admins btw lol


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>>>194762 (You)
>dilate shitswork freak


there is no good swinyshit


aryan af


File: 1735563664654.png (705.96 KB, 851x692, 1735563647996.png)

">>>194762 (You)
>dilate shitswork freak"

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>Oh I'm a coswork freak…
>cause I'm a cock vore freak


nazis dont exist anymore, they all became pedophile tradcath twitter groypers who have never walked into a church


meds lviv is a pedo nazi


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nazis don't goon to femboys hitting their caged penises with bbc dildos.

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i like to tell black girls on dating apps that they look aryan
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sounds like she put you in a self defence situation. you shouldve gunned her down


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speak for yourself


if only i would have had a gun on me


alternatively you couldve broken the ice by calling her a hyperborean apollonian aryan from agartha


ugly af, the skin colour just doesn't look normal

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looks like i'm stuck as a /qa/cuck now
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>kys lviv



thanks i wasted 5 minutes on it


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>>>194546 (You)
>because i hate everything zellig now unless its porn


wrong image sorry i mean to post gigachads

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>y u no?


now imagine an a10 white gigachad saying this in serbia while removing croats and bosniaks

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>Oh I'm a coswork freak…
>cause I'm a cock vore freak

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 No.194390[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

if we're doing the merge again, could you please delete all the existing threads on /soy/? if we get another hostile admin in the future this could lead to IP leaks and it would just suck
the merge is a good idea but we should take steps to protect the privacy of the people who post here
111 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i think i saw that kek hes delusional


to be fair this site will probably ban for posting a single soylita


who even cares about soylita in 2025 tho


i dont like that people have nonsensical meltdowns as soon as they see a soylita on the catalog but nobody even cares about her anymore so its one of those things that wont affect anybody if banned but its also pointless to ban because nobody posts or cares about it


on the other hand, the last 3 autists who still care about soylita (the nujartycucks) might feel welcome if they see a site where soylitaposting isn't restricted and post pedo shit, something that happened on the chinny with the lavinia tranny

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bros my mom is angry at me and doesnt wanna talk what do I do
>arrow so i dont look like this but share the same feelings as her


her as in the soyjak btw not my mom

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What color penises are the Ongezellig girls built for?
Maya is obviously built for TLP because she will never get a guy but he should be from her shitty island country or whatever
Mymy is obviously built for BWC because she's orange and Trump has a BWC and they could make a great porno
Coco is built for BBC because she has blond hair and thats hot and hyperkorean or something to get blacked kino i can spam on cockvore threads or something.


whats tlp? tiny lebanese pecker?




lebanese men have no peckers, they were blown off in the airstrikes.

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stonetoss has been taking a real nosedive lately




The fate of all trannies. Alone, sad, pathetic and dickless.

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