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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.222451[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The auction ends on 7 February.

If you are stupid enough to try and purchase a soicuck website, here are the requirements:
- Be able to purchase with crypto. I prefer BTC, XMR or LTC but if you wish to pay with another currency I'll consider it too
- Have a Namecheap account

On sale, you will recieve:
- soygem.party
- basedgem.party

Current bids:
1. bruhmeister993 - 500$
2. Squeak - 375$
3. "piss" - 300$
4. John - 195$
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he should do this but unironically

File: 1737965986692.png (33.37 KB, 1700x1001, The End of The Light.png)


soygem.party will shut down on the 31st of january.


Please make sure to archive any content you'd like to keep, especially OCs. The Shemmy booru will remain online even after the shutdown, so feel free to upload your files there.

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Can we all agree just this once that BMT won and is actually pretty funny? Also trans rights are serbian rights

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how many dnbs does it take to reach the level of niggerdeath in this site? good question. top international deadniggerologists are still trying to find out. so far it's been 6 trillion dnbs and we haven't even scratched the surface says top deadniggerologists

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Rest in piss bruh


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>Rest in piss bruh


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gooning to this, tee hee


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also that's aryan shemmycuck


mameson looks so fuckable in this one

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When is this site shutting down? I know its on the 31st but at what time specifically?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1738268116726.png (48.08 KB, 512x512, Pepthefrog.png)

Might aswell shut it down now nobody even gives a shit


chinnypedo thread


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>chinnypedo thread


i think you accidentally attached a gigachad


File: 1738268360412.jpg (7.7 KB, 183x275, images(2).jpg)

>>>226124 (You)
>i think you accidentally attached a gigachad

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File: 1738267745119.jpg (5.05 KB, 200x253, images(3).jpg)

That's aryan shemmycuck


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holy shit the chinny really did mog this shithole

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I will post three shemmy related characters turned into the budgiejak variant.
My art: https://jartycuck.moe/index.php?q=user/VeganEfilist
Visit if you want and give it an upvote if you please.


Make a mameson one

File: 1738200305451.jpeg (263.04 KB, 674x814, 88A544E8-B281-4A96-957A-5….jpeg)


i dont care if you dont care im just gonna say i want to own/make an imageboard specifically for “immigrants “
likei want to make something like the sharty, (4chan even but the sharty is a better comparison because its not even that big and i dont expect my idea to go that far yk)
so basically it would be kike the sharty, except ill have a tiktok/discord userbase so itll be like a no sign in discord server if you wanna call it thtat except it wont be rulecucked and you have freedom, like the sharty, (and haveing some elements passed on by the sharty like namfagging slang humor etc whatever)
so like you can say the n word you can be edgy without judgment (well i cant really promise that but all i know is that its gonna either be a freely toxic community or they end up being really nice to each other and it all works out and we wal,k into the sunset together who knows)
plus i really wanted to decorate an imageboard i already love the formatting so much only if i could make it better.
there would be boards specifically for each fandom, like for example uhmmmm homestuck is /hs/ object shows are /osc/ and roblox is /rblx/ ETC ETC. you get the idea. +a ton of decorations bcause i want that dont ask and dont complain
thats kind of it (i think) never really planned to make ithappen any time soon but okbye
50 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I was initially confused about that too, for some reason you stop being logged in if you go on the overboard or any other page that isn’t a board. Logging in to your account doesn’t affect tabs already open even after you refresh them. In any case if the “dashboard” thing doesn’t appear near the top of the page that means you’re not logged in.


wtf gigachad i didnt know you posted on this dead nigger


File: 1738267586075.jpg (98.72 KB, 716x687, 63a.jpg)

Nigga youre twelve you aint makin shiet


and quote will assrape her shitty imageboard every day not as hard as the way I'll tear her ass apart tho


Says the nigga that killed the shemmy, although one could argue you can't make a dead nigger any deader

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we're in here now




we're in here now




Bmt KINO on queue get in here now

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vadim how much time do we have left?


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a bit over a day.


Thanks for answering


eddy my boy

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 No.210290[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

HomeARYAN thread
147 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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can somebody post the 23234.png or whatever its called


we sadly say this and look like this

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its over
(it wont let me embed it i swear its not 'p)


sex with doll


flashback XD


thats because you're using the short URL

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File: 1738260111590-1.png (25.95 KB, 948x1547, rapeson 19170 - SoyBooru.png)



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