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 No.223765[Watch Thread]>>223984[>][<]

Why is this site dying with a whimper and not with a bang like the chinny




I wish kikemin created chinny 2


>chilly died with a bang
you are too optimistic the chilly was being shutdown and nobody bothered to even post KEK



Shitalianalbanian made it so you cant get a bypass because there was like 6 million bots on his site and i still remember more people posting on the chilly than there are on the shemmy


Its not dying thoughbeit its gonna stay up


because chinnypedos, including you, were gooning on discord


kek anonymous against foodism won


gooning to 'p btw because it's turknigger culture


weird way to spell saarbian culture


The Shemmy is indeed the deadest nigger of them all.


first stage: denial


saarbs are half turkroach rapebabies btw


half aryan half nigger


Maybe she's telling the truth and the shemaley will be on life support for 16 years like that one tranny imageboard from 2009


the aryan side is turkish btw


the nigger blood comes from the turkroaches


Tranchan isnt dead you retard we have regular posters every day fuck off


shemmycucks be like


We had a wave of new users joining the same day it was announced that this shithole





>>223765 (OP)
the jannies can't even shut it down right lmao they should've waited until a day before it was shutting down like kikemin did, rn they're just keeping it on life support for days for no reason

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