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Time until death: 7h 47m 57s

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 No.223758[Watch Thread][>][<]

Earth’s First Evening Jimmy Hendrix-less and Pissed


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best thread of the day


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the infamous tower side up flipper


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I still sleep
thinking you’re next to me


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I can’t sleep
I can’t even dream


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gluten free website


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I was thinking earlier about how english is a form of witchcraft and how some concepts are completely omitted from our comprehension due to the language’s fuckability


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This image was supposed to be attached


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embrace her and she will exalt you


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So you’re telling me everyone of us is God and this shitty reality is what we’re dreaming up? What the fuck


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do you remember me


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lol what the fr*ck……


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Lol XD what the fr*ck…………


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its over


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and when the day is done
i will follow you into the sun


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whoever works with still hands is brother to one who destroys


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i plan on getting all the law of one books
all of the law of one books (yeah)
despite the fact that they’re fake and gay


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Governors historic boxing do codfish videos Norris virus videos virus Buddha bodies bodies coats bowls bodies


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>how are you feeling
l!ke the same


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bye bye

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