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 No.223601[Watch Thread]>>223657>>223732[>][<]

Shempatriot, the true succesor to preserve shemmy’s userbase and culture in one place is finally here. The shemrefuge telegram!

As the swinny telegram shows us, soysphere GCs aren’t inherently a bad idea, its just that all of them are operated by malicious actors. With my shemrefuge GC, i’ll rule against degenerates that swamp our communities and make a sane place to gather void of weirdopedosadists just as the official swinny telegram is - only difference is that it would be inhabited by shemmy users adhering to our culture as opposed to theirs. Instant messaging is a fun format that’ll let us approach our convos, banter and shitposting in new ways.

The gram is set to manual vetting and everyone entering will have to provide screencaps of their recent postings on the shemmy, unless i already know you. Image, video and link embeds are disabled HOWEVER this will cease to be the case once it’s for certain that everyone we have in is trustable. Though those i know will have their perms from the get go.


It’s just getting started.


nigga just move on lil bro
make a discord at this point




>>223601 (OP)



telegram sucks I'd rather use the deviantart group


>>223601 (OP)
How many people are there?





I'd rather not use a telegram


I feel like the shemmy is gonna stay alive but a backup is a good idea


>ban everything i dont like
I'm not turning into a cuckold swinny user bro just to join your shitty discord group chat 💀



its not that rulecucked if you could endure angeleno era shemmy you could endure this


you probably ban people saying mymy and soytan are built for bbc or bwc lol


leno era was rulecucked af, posting racebait and starting countrywars still were bannable offenses back then


Deviantart, Tumblr, community.win, IRC, literally anything but Discord or Twitter would be better than telegram.

rulecucking is keyed tho so props for making the telegram rulecucked


Trvke albeit rulecuckoldry will never be white


That's okay! BIPOC things can still be keyed, let's not be racist here.


I'd rather not use a telegram


Use (((telegram))) goy, we definetly can't spy on you there


Kys heckingemmy the only thing i’m banning is sadist freaks like you

Don’t listen to this guy, the only thing i ban is corders, porn, gore and unnecessary spam.


>no porn, gore and spam
hates fun award


no offense to you i just am not joining a telegram group. lets make backups somewhere tho for us to stay together if the site can't stay up


yeah, this. I'm not trying to join some Lite baby version of the sharty




and telegram sucks, i wont waste my time trying to find a fake phone number that works to create a glowiegram account just to join some swinny tier group chat


absolute foodist scum faggot losers


10 folks
Agree, i’m mainly doing this because it’s uncertain who is gonna get it. It’s best to gather the userbase in one place so that we can move to somewhere else if the new owner is some corder. Moreover site goes down on the 31st while the auction end on the 7th, so the site will be down for a week.
Saying that won’t get you banned, but if such statements make up the entirety of your activity i won’t allow that.
In what sense do you find it similar to the sharty?


kek they say this


He said its a lite baby version of the sharty because it glows (its a (((telegram))) gc) and its rulecucked


Can everyone specify exactly what makes it “rulecucked”? And if you’re so paranoid that you won’t sign up to telegram with your phone number you’re either severely autistic or up to devious shit


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>banning porn, gore and spam is NOT rulecucked, okay???


Tbh being severely autistic is better than being a rulecuck and a glownigger


You already have 4chan’s /b/ for porn, in addition to a myriad of other porn sources. You already have watch people die or whatever the fuck it was called for gore, also in addition to plenty of other sources. And no one likes spam.

I’m only banning shit that’s sensible to ban, you’ve groomed yourself by years of spending your teenage years looking at gifs of beheaden black children with cobson doing the gangnam style.


>just go the 4cuck honeypot board goy
No thanks CIA


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>join my rulecucked trad telegram chat


this kek


The shemmy itself is way more rulecucked than what i’m doing. I’ll also be heading to sleep now so i won’t be around for whatever chuddyclitty leak happens in this thread


the cope is crazy


>And no one likes spam.
Ok in all seriousness though be fuckin for real theres been at least one instance of spam on a website thats made you laugh your ass off
Nobody is joining any of these shemmycords btw lol


this kek
spamming can be fun af


>spamming 'p can be fun af


porn, gore and spam are chaos and chaos is gemmy


go woke go broke 💀


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>xhe thinks the soysphere isn't already a collection of datamining honeypots
all according to plan






Of course, but it being on an imageboard and it being on a telegram chat are different things. Spam would make a gc hard to use and would bombard members with notifications.
Do not believe these lies patriots, this didn’t happen. Thanks to manual vetting i’ve already prevented the entry of numerous malicious users.




TSMT, never make any posts on 4cuck that you wouldnt want your kids reading or put next to your name. Same goes for any fully archived imageboard albeit


Nobody is joining ts (this shit) 😭😭😭😭😭😭


telegram glows brighter than the sun




Bu Moe

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