I don't get pissed off or annoyed when seeing some troons anymore, let me try to explain my thoughs here.
My opinion of those "people" hasn't changed, but the way I feel towards them has. Now I feel pity for some.
I'm talking about the young guys that troon out, the ones with a full life ahead of them but for some reason decide that that is what they want to do. Those are the ones that, deep down, are victims from a decay of western societies wich, essencialy, told them that being a man is LE BAD and transformed them into walking fetishes.
Weak and sexualized culture, poor parenting, exposure to pornography from a young age (I put this on the same level as rape) and some other things I cant be bothered to write down cause guys in bad mental states to succumb to this type of thing.
It hurts to see guys my age to become obsessed about those demonic creatures, but it feels like there is nothing I can do about it to prevent it from happening.
Anyway, it's all fault of the joos o algo asi, this sucks.