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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1736668967601.png (Spoiler Image, 1.16 MB, 2249x2999, ClipboardImage.png)


post gems ITT




File: 1736669037358.webp (165.51 KB, 1338x1297, 1736669004618.webp)

how about we kill eestinigger instead


soos you will never escape me haha


File: 1736669051600.png (55.45 KB, 430x733, ClipboardImage.png)

>spoilered already
damn i didn't know this place was actually that bad


>still a janny samefag rulecucked shithole
never change shoally


obsessed lol


soos is such a subhuman that we will torture him for many months lol


Estonia is not white btw


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where's the angeleno one


Soos i will find you, do you understand me


i cant stop cumming


dude but the chuds said never goon


this needed to be made and at the same time wtf


what a dusty 'log in the first picrel


>like ours is better


Still. Better. Than. The. Shemmy.


kek this



bleed out foid



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File: 1736670567715.png (335.66 KB, 640x640, 1708195493729.png)



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