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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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what does the possibility of someone called cobsonadult but instead of being called cobsonadult they were called calmadolesent. and instead of liking weezer and lemon demon they listened to radiohead and jack stauber. and instead of playing stuff like the sims 2 and spore they played hearts of iron 4 and plauge inc.

and where as cobsonadult will never make a song from being autistic as can be and posts on sites of bald men with glasses. calmadolesent will never find the time to make a animation from posting on shitposting subreddits. and consider instead of being on cytubes he is on the semi public invite only discord servers that the moderators post sometimes. on said subreddits. and being that this site is a splinter of a shitposting subreddit that got to popolour and thus post quality and edge did thus another was made. such as wordington. and rather posting cats they posted owls. and self inserted as jack stauber


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Now imagine if calmadolescent was somebody called gapenewborn instead and he's a drake and p.diddy fan and he's a soundcloud rapper who posts on ig reels and tiktok and self-inserts as drake


and instead of posting owls he'd post cupcakes


i want photoproff of that internet phenotype

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