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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1735939680742.png (354.95 KB, 852x469, ClipboardImage.png)


>What an gemmy thread from hiperborea


the demiurge is evil because there cant be sapient being capable of social mapping that is a seemingly large orb decorated with the flags of countrys


what is your opinion on medication


File: 1735942897894.mp4 (1004.94 KB, 720x480, my message.mp4)


>english as a second language
>united kingdom flag
what..? but that's the origin of english


stop questioning the image and get to posting


The creator of the image is a retarded mutt thinks that every country beside the USA is thirde world


File: 1735963636558.png (105.26 KB, 480x640, autist hat.png)

>every country besides the usa is third world

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