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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1735788872201.mp4 (8.76 MB, 1920x1080, vadim wins.mp4)


since it's a new year, how do we feel so far about this current era bros


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vadim should be the next kuz but not a pedophile this time


whose vadim?
I came back to the site 3 days ago


i like poly and she came in this era so vadim era fucking won


also is this that one guy who had the hoi4 threads? I recognize the style of those icons


estonian dark kuzists who won the admin election with doddermodd a bit back, he disavows kuz now doe



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He should make estonian Kolyma


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Vadim won


how long has this era been going on for?


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>people unironically thought codetranny and the snca faggot who ran with him would've been better for this site if they won


Skoot? The thatsnuts.online guy?
Fr tho, codefag wouldn't even allow poly brap gems


>doll or the faggot who left over discord drama would have saved the siterino!


that wasn't doll it was a churrocuck larping


who are you talking about who left


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Yeah it's hilarious how awful the other candidates were bruh, and we got poly out of this whole mess so it's a win in my book




sorry im retarded kek


tsmt poly actually saved the site



codenigger left because he lost the election and snca discord drama hea definitely not fit for either admin or dev if poly had to come and fix his shit, I remember filename having forced random numbers because he was lazy and didn't know how to remove it


what an incompetent faggot i'm glad the old jannies won because without them this site would have fallen apart a long time ago now lol


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seriously that nigger was more lazy than svvt, people only sucked his dick because he added useless gimmicks that were never updated or expanded upon


svvt only let him in because codenigger begged a lot to be dev (he told me himself) then caused the codecaca incident




Why is kuz estonian?


that's not kuz retard


that's what they wants you to think..


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>>>199272 (You)
>that's what they wants you to think..


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>this thread




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It's solid, but if only obsession rates of hostile niggers in this era weren't so damn high.


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just imagine how much of an alive aryan this site would be if it wasn't for quote leaking about us constantly kek


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Well this era hasn't been the best…

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