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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1735787979977.png (185.97 KB, 600x1160, lee transparent.png)


what's your honest opinion on him /qa/


File: 1735788072729.webm (2.87 MB, 858x858, 1727639051282.webm)

>implying svvt would wanna be admin on this shithole again


i deadass had no idea who he was during his era and thought svvt was still running the site for a bit
repost because im esl retard nigger


I should be mod here


you got here 2 days ago


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>I should be mod here


Everyone loves me tho


nobody loves attentionwhores



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>she would probably be unironically hired during lee era


Lee come back pls


the only people I remember are CodeFAG and svvt
the others I don't remember


I'm glad it's over for leecucks




>lee unbanned lolicon on /b/




I don't know who he is because I'm sort of a newfag and the wiki is down so I haven't been able to read it.


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i really wonder what the fuck made him think that was something he should've done kek


One of the kikemins


he was a pedophile and should be hanged


lets go to his house in real life and do this


lee was just a free speech absolutist, no different to the admins we have now because you can post lolicon and only get a 1 minute ban for it


kys adfe

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