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>men should stop dating supermodels and start dating obese single moms


xhes right THOUGH




why does society oppress hagmaxers


If you say hag unironically then your a faggot


kys pedo



The brain finishes developing around 25, so you really can’t be an adult before that. 28 gives you a few years with a developed brain for your personality and maturity to really set in, and that’s when adulthood truly begins.

But wait there’s more! 7 was an important number in the medieval era, and that’s what they used for age ranges, and I think it’s applicable now:

0-6 Infant, toddler, etc. 7-13 Child 14-20 Adolescent 21-27 Young Adult 28+ True Adult

Young adults are almost adults, but there is still too much of a difference between a 22 year old and a 32 year old that doesn’t exist between a 32 year old and a 42 year old. From what I can tell that stops around 28.

I figure this is an unpopular opinion because of Reddit has a huge number of people I’m calling not adults.

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