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/pol/ - Politicoal

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File: 1732663628353.png (575.88 KB, 481x680, ClipboardImage.png)


tell me how any of this is bad


File: 1732663683071.mp4 (763.56 KB, 720x860, ssstwitter.com_17313396179….mp4)

>tell me how any of this is bad


File: 1732663716971.gif (1021.95 KB, 255x229, 1731256808702f.gif)

tell me how any of this is bad


disgusting shitskin behaviour
whites don't need to be whipped to behave


saarbia isn't white


This, but all crimes are punished by naked public lashing and the only crime is being a hot foid and I am the one doing the lashing.


Isis literally got bombed by everyone arabsissies can't fight lole.


sinister as fuck


why is Islam so rulecucked


File: 1732689958615.png (437.9 KB, 954x634, 1707834092370-3.png)

The most retarded the population, the most brutal you need to be to make them behave. You literally can stop a jap from commiting any crimes by telling him that his family would be dishonored, but to stop an Arab from raping camels you need to hit him with a rod in the ass 1000 times.

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