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/pol/ - Politicoal

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File: 1732663198388.gif (54.92 KB, 320x240, 9c3638ad2d87c7451947cb826c….gif)


Computer is broke, can't work on Sude.party today. Might as well get super drunk and post dumb shit on the Shemmy.


yup i knew it kek there will never be another pol splinter just give up and bend to the rulecucking on either sharty or shemmy


There already is another /pol/ splinter online, created by the futa spammer.


Brapzilians can't code yup I'm going back to discord


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I already paid for a new laptop. It is arriving tomorrow morning.

As I said. Sude.party will be a thing. Blackpillers will be proven wrong.


brazil won


File: 1732663928873.png (391.01 KB, 1375x2392, 1728381200116e.png)

>rulecucks won


that's aryan shemmycuck


kek your fail redirects to the sparty kek!

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