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/pol/ - Politicoal

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My condition might have worsened, as I don't know where it comes from. I feel very feverish and my brain is heavy, sometimes it also was my eye that was hurt. I sometimes feel cold, although mostly the vomitting has stopped. Still can't eat anything heavy. When I eat in general my brain becomes more fiverish, the same goes for drinking water too I believe. Though, it is not as terrible as it used to be few days ago I am fucked without knowing the origin of this brain inflamation. It could be parasitic worm in my brain or something, or whatever I have no clue.

I might have to go to hospital if this issue isn't solved. Alternatively, there could be some kind of bacteria that I am infected with. I don't have any issues with motor functions or doing normal processes, but brain feels hurt. It kind of sucks, although I'd call it nausea. I don't know why but my left side is definitely more prone to the feeling of nausea, so maybe it is where the worm is. Idk.
Anyway, I want to sleep. But it doesn't seem to fix the fever from happening.

One time when I was on the first day, I slept and the fog was gone, mostly anyway. It also happened that back then, I was starving and sort of not drinking much. Drinking might have to do somethign with how this infection works. As when I do anything that requires eating or drinking, my brain inflammation gets worse. I don't know what diagnosis I would get from this, but if you guys can search for, maybe. Anyway, if that's that bad I will go to hospital.


reposting woot copypastas will never catch on


this, woot is an esl tranny with an ego complex nobody cares about your snca blogposts

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