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/pol/ - Politicoal

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This site is too transphobic time to re open the chinny




might as well go to an actually alive website like the chilly


this is never happening


oy vey goy, trust the plQn


whos gonna do it and who are you


kikemin said hed open is back up if i gave him 500 dollars and i just did so


Just wait…





>it's real




kek i'm not going back


>still 0 pph


More alive than this shithole.


we dont want u you just gonna say swinny is better everytime because you have one joke and can't bait


thats aryan shemmycuck


she’s right why would you name fag while sounding like the most retarded nigger alive


dravidian turkroaches can't even post bmt gemmies


No one is gonna use sude party it should have a chud name also we need to figure out how to get the atheist turk and uae Syrian incel on the new site


just make a 1:1 reboot of the chinny cant be that hard


im thinking the uae incel just got bored of the soysphere


>forgetting lv.iv, kharkiv and the serb
stop worshipping newfags


fpe serb?


where did kharkiv go?


Wexford is still around hes always around


the one we keep shitting on
i have no idea


the serbrap is probably still around, wasnt he a shemale?


Uae incel was one of the people that used the churro, livi and serb will probably come to the new site regardless


i wonder where that uruguayan poster went to


whats the new site? brapzillian cant code for shit


both Wexford and saarbian posted on the shemmy before so i guess they will see our shilleralds if someone makes a new site


Someone will make one eventually hopefully sooner than later the shitty sucks


trQst thQ plQn…


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I literally only heard about the chinny because someone was spamming a brown giga chad shilling it covertly


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I can't even be hopeful you niggas can't code for shit fr fr bring back kikemin and suck his transgirl gock


i left the churro after woot failed to fix his site and i didnt hear anything about the churrokeks for weeks until i opened this site to call it a dead nigger and saw a frogposter shilling the chinny


Nobody told me you niggas went here


Fr kikemin should’ve gave us a month


i forgot how i heard about the site i just remember going on the chinny on its first day before there was even a sticky


kys glownigger


Whatever shithole you're from isn't white


what's the point of leaving it on read only mode just make us post if you're not gonna shut down the site completely


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>>>397 (You)
>Whatever shithole you're from isn't white


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I already said I can code nigger. Also I am not Brazilian. I just never tried web dev before, but I coded much harder stuff in college so it will be probably super easy.


Why tf would he stay awake at 4 am deleting child porn just so some retards can make another splinter of a splinter of a splinter to post tranny porn in


Idk when I used the chinny I only saw cp once


the sticky was already a week old or something when i went on the chinny for the first time
i remember how cockvore seethed at the shilleralds lol


literally everyone knows ur brapzilian


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>im the oldestfag on the chinny here


That's because the kikemin said he was "obsessed" and deleted 80% of it in seconds.


I thought we had a really good filter but it was just kikemin and the jannies, he said he had to sleep for 4 hours because that jartycuck spammed cp as soon as he went to sleep


I was in a group chat on a discord knockoff with the admin before the site was made lil bro I'm an ancientfag


bro was ERPing with kikemin on revolt


he said he's bringing it down soon it's still online to archive the threads that haven't been archived yet


kys adfe


do we still not know who kikemin is?
4 hours is a lot though


Obsessed leaking and false


Xhes an analbanian baiter living in shitaly


he said he slept for 20 minutes (total 4 hours) because he didnt want to leave cp up for hours


oh yea that guy, he was the kikemin?


hes the shitalian who tried to convince woot to switch to lynxchan back when the churro was alive




better janny than shemmy tranny jannies qeq



i remember another shitalian sperging out and posting his ip


tsmt albeit thats probably the reason he quit, too much work to do or something


kek i remember that shit, someone found out his ip was reported for spamming cp before




yea lmfao the croat posted that, where did he go btw? i haven't see him and he said he'd go to bantculture but he's nowhere there


that's some random shitalian though


He's in the 'cord




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he also said he didnt want to be the kikemin and he tried to sell the site multiple times but *NOBODY* wanted it




realistically he'd sell it for an obnoxiously high price when someone could just get a domain and vps and get lynxchan on it for much cheaper


i dont think he tried to sell it for a high price, i guess nobody cares about obscure imageboards like the chinny


imageboards are kinda dying except maybe 4cuck but it's filled with rulecucked jannies and millennial pedos and that shitty 15 minute timer, I can't bring myself to use a platform like discord or Twitter so idk where to go now


have you tried going outside


have you? oh wait turkey is a shitskin hoarded destroyed country and you can't even go outside because you haven't recovered from that earthquake


leaking and still obsessed over an earthquake that happened like 2 years ago


it was last year also a new earthquake just dropped yesterday qeq


everyone in this thread are trans girls btw


wtf where


thats aryan shemmycuck




just wait for churro3


Where's the femboy saarb


redpil me


Shit that will never happen


thats Gdańsk




shut up glowsissy


has woot even said anything about the chinny dying


nigas dead for a week qeq


(((they))) waited to close down the site as soon as woot stopped posting

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