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/pol/ - Politicoal

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>blow rape whistle
>more rapists come and rape me
does this happen in your cunt




aryan brahmin


>United Kingdom
Am I surprised? You're surrounded by filthy Indians and the likes. I'd move out if I were you.


you are quite literally polish you share most of your ancestry with pajeets


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Most is just surreal. The only connection we have them is distant and because of the Indo-European migrations that happened thousands of years ago. There is absolutely no genetic similarity between us and these subhuman shitskins.


i wanna move to poland for all the cute femboys


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That's a gay, fake myth invented by Redditors. That joke has run its course.


is bro retarded? this is why slav trannies and femboys pass so well and are so cute btw you're part asian


Sharing an ancient haplogroup does NOT mean I'm part Asian, retard. You should really look into genetics if you're this dumb.


stfu twink


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Another argument won. Another brownoid angered.


god i wish

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