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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.208439[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1737383521234.png (438 B, 16x11, remadeczechflagshemmy.png)

@trucaca add this flag with the rizz "Česká Republika"

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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

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 No.206966[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Writing most of this Black animals won


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You do raise a good point.
well If you ever wanna talk, then feel free to message me or something mane
will never be white award


not being white is aryan thoughie 🇹🇷💗🇮🇳


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I could care less if he is because of me or not. I left because I doubted my ability to have any moar free time on the site and I still am not sure about that even now.
Is this who I think it is?


tsmt doe get indias flag out of here nigga

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poly is shemmy culture because only oldchads remember that svvt era was filled with tranime avatarfags like her and shes the only one who gives us a reminiscent of that era


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what happens when poly meets pool

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Just got banned from the sharty
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Murder drones porn


Embedded anime and frog standing near his eye on the left.


im not dating the dev bruh


thank you devGOD


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my version looks better

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The reason the site died is because nobody listened to me when I said we should force any new janitor joining to use the IRC.


She's right


Discord is better tbh


you should have brought it up to me more.


cirno loves to slurp on sudanese and nigerian veiny throbbing members


I'm just joking but I do miss when the GC was just our shitposting gig.

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cytube thread dni


Kill yourself you obsessed fucking faggot


Two ridin' with bidens above.


youtube thread pdi


life yourself you unbothered straight

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site dead because no cytubes

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i just realized, google is pretty dangerously close to becoming basically fucking useless
>other search engines have gotten better or even on par with google over the years
>google cache no longer exists
>yandex images will inevitably outperform google lens once it develops more(albeit maybe it already has i've heard they're allegedly just cucking results for non-russian users because of the war)
i think the only reason they still matter for anything in current day is youtube and google drive, maybe google ads too but thats not really for consumers/people who just browse the web and if you're sane you already use an adblocker. Everything else they've made seems to have a better or on par alternative. But what do you guys think?


Google docs is good and YouTube is the most used video sharing platform ever. Google it's self is ass but the things they own are important


>if you're sane you already use an adblocker.
Normies do not use adblockers. You live in an echo chamber with only people who use the internet too much, normies don't even know you CAN block Youtube ads legally and nobody is ever interested in learning how to install an adblocker when I mention it.


Jewgle was never good, just bloated spyware. Neither is Yandex, since it's a russian kike spyware, but it's actually a search engine and not retarded and useless shit like cuckcuckgo, bing etc.


Kek, it’s Kino!

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why so dead
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Designed for African fornication


I'm doing fine myself. What about you?
You're a kike. Kill yourself.


built for furry cock


i'm actually doing pretty good today thanks for asking


cirno is choking on nigger dicks

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guys i think i just found heckingemmys reddit account



delete this


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>delete this


gooning to this rn

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so any predictions about the anniversary?
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serbia isn't white


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not him lil bro


neither is ukraine


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I can comprehend this just fine.


i dont get it


The sharty recently had a board competition, the boards featured in the art are /bp/, /leftysoy/, and /dem/. The art is trying to persuade ’teens on /soy/ to fight back against these new boards and the individuals who made them possible.


>cobshitter self inserts fighting against vibrant /qa/ style cultural diversity
kek i can't

File: 1737381531491.webp (3.19 KB, 250x242, when you see dat bibisi.webp)


do it now


i dont feel like it


can't believe chinny's imageboard kulcha is superior to shemalie's…
shemmycucks, how do we cope?

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furdeities rape nazi femboy bussies, so they are aryan




(((they))) are trying their hardest to slide this one


gem go up


kys bumpcord

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