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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1734564932330.png (30.59 KB, 1656x1162, scaredjaks.png)


>your mother and I are very concerned about how you're spending your free time online
>we found your folder full of screaming cartoon men and muscular men
>the sheer number of files are concerning to us
>do you need a therapist?
>you can talk to us about this
>we're always here for you honey


File: 1734565089071.gif (279.29 KB, 1070x1172, 1734565087578.gif)

>do you need a the rapist?


File: 1734566072780.png (38.26 KB, 1430x1162, mom.png)

>your father and i are very concerned about how you're spending your time online
>we found your folder full of cartoon animals and anime girls
>the sheer number of files are concering to us
>do you need a therapist?
>you can talk to us about this
>we're always here for you honey

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